8. Revenge?

I was completely focused on him, hearing the whispers of everyone around while they looked at him and waited for what he would say. Even his father and other members of Rioflorida seemed surprised by his sudden appearance.

It's as if nothing happened. When Liam told me about his disappearance, I immediately searched online for news about it and found out that he really vanished into thin air.

He didn't even attend his mother's private funeral. He ghosted everyone, including his family's companies and several businesses.

And now that he's here in front of everyone, effortlessly capturing everyone's attention, with camera flashes from the media all around, I couldn't help but wonder, what caused his sudden comeback.

And what was the reason behind his sudden disappearance back then?

"Good evening, everyone. I'd like to take this opportunity to announce that I am now taking control and managing several businesses under the Rioflorida Group of Companies and the remaining businesses left by my late mother," he announces, looking very serious.

My gaze is fixed on him, not caring if he sees me and wondering what his reaction would be if he did.

"I know the past years have been difficult for everyone, especially for my family, and I know that at some point in your lives, you also wished for temporary peace," he pauses and looks at his father.

"I also want to apologize to those who were hurt and are still grieving until now. My disappearance from this industry taught me many things, and I want to share that with all of you..."

His eyes scan the room until they land on me. He seems taken aback. I see his brows furrow as he tries to recognize me, and then it seems like something clicks.

His lips part. He looks amazed and pleased. His jaw clenches, and he quickly finishes his speech before approaching his father, who has been waiting for him.

That's my cue to step outside because I'm sure he recognized me. And I'm not ready for this kind of reunion.


I turned around at the sound of that voice and saw Isabella, holding the train of her gown, seemingly chasing after me. I had reached the fountain at the tower when she caught up with me. There weren't many people around, so she felt free to do whatever she wanted to me here.

But I wasn't going to let her.

"What are you doing? You're a Fuentebella now?" Anger and confusion were evident on her face. She seemed completely disoriented and furious with me.

"The announcement made by my family earlier was clear, Isabella." I calmly responded to her.

She sarcastically chuckled, as if she couldn't believe it. She hadn't changed much apart from her physical appearance. She looked more mature. She was still sexy and sophisticated, even more beautiful. Perhaps because she had become a true Yuchengco Princess, something that used to be for me.

"So, it's true? They adopted you? How? How did you managed to win the favor of the Fuentebella couple? Did you cling to them when Dad abandoned you? Is that why you chose to go to Spain because you knew they lived there?" She accused me one after another, as if she was absolutely certain about it.

"I don't owe you any explanations, Isabella. Leave me alone." I firmly told her and turned away, but I gasped when she pulled me by the arm.

"I'm still talking to you!" She hissed in determination and anger.

"What the hell!"

"Answer me! What are you planning? Why are you here? Why did you come back? To seek revenge?" She desperately exclaimed and sharpened her gaze on me.

I felt my anger rising. I didn't know if she was serious about that. Seek revenge? Against them? Did they deserve any of my emotions and time? Did they still deserve anything after everything? I think not. 

I clenched my hand beside my gown. I couldn't calm myself down. It felt like I was about to transform and lose my sanity once again. How dare she!

"After what? Six years? You suddenly come back? Just when everything is fine? Just when everything is in order? Why? Do you want to further torment Daddy, now that you found out he's sick?!" She yelled at me, full of anger.

I was taken aback. Confusion engulfed me. "What?"

"Daddy is sick! Why are you acting so surprised? Wasn't that the reason you suddenly came back here? To punish him for disowning you?" She paused and seemed to gather more determination to tell me everything she wanted to say.

"Why? Didn't he do the right thing by disowning and taking everything from you? You got pregnant by some man. You disappointed him! You let him down. What do you want? To still get everything you want? Do you expect him to still favor you?" She continued relentlessly, accusing me without pause.

I couldn't bear to hear it.

I took a sharp breath and shook my head. I looked at her from head to toe. "Why do you seem so enraged? As if you're the real daughter?"

"What?" She almost yelled in fury.

"Why? Is it because I came back? Why? Are you afraid that I might reclaim everything you stole from me without any difficulty?" I approached her as I saw Arik approaching us from behind. He was looking at me intently, deeply, and coldly.

"Including the man, you thought was yours? Now that he suddenly came back, alongside my return, is that what you're most afraid of happening?"

"What the hell are you talking about?" She yelled and pushed me away. She almost lunged at me, so I quickly stepped back and looked at her calmly.

"You, bitch! What are you saying?"

I fake-smiled at her as I still noticed Arik coming closer to us. This time, his furious eyes were fixed on me. It was as if I had committed a great offense against him, and now was the right time for him to demand retribution.