Our Father

"We just arrived here with Benj. Will you be fine there? How's Ariah doing?"

Arik immediately called me as soon as I texted him that we had reached the city and were heading straight to the hospital.

Mom was devastated, and we still couldn't talk to her properly. Benj was by her side, trying to comfort her, but she remained with Dad as we waited for him to wake up.

Apparently, Mom was blaming herself for what had happened. She felt that if she hadn't insisted on going to the Percepta Tower earlier, this wouldn't have happened. Her decision to not accompany Dad also added to her guilt.

"She's fine. She and Sarah are eating at the hotel restaurant right now. She said she'll pray for her grandfather. How about you? How are you? How's your Mom and Dad?" Arik's concerned questions flowed.

I sat beside Oliver outside Dad's room.

"She thinks it was her fault. We haven't been able to talk to her yet, Arik. Dad hasn't woken up."