Still sick

"Get up there and yell at me, you jerk! Not your girlfriend! Not Celeste!" Rusty shouted at him again. I covered my mouth because of the consecutive sobs that escaped.

Arik stood up and glared sharply at Rusty, his anger blazing and evident in his expression, showing no intention to back down from Arik at this moment.

"A freaking playboy who knows nothing but collecting girls! What can I gain from you?! You'd probably lie just to get Celeste! You're trying every way you know just to get into her skirt, right?!" Arik turned fiercely towards me, his eyes burning red. "And you, you want him too!"


I couldn't continue my words because it seemed like I ran out of things to say, so I poured my frustration into my palm and slapped it onto his cheek. It echoed throughout the house.