Ticking Time-Bomb

My mouth hung open, and I felt even dizzier with the new information. It suddenly brought to mind the events of the past few months: Arik's increasing forgetfulness, his changing moods.

Were those the symptoms? Why didn't he tell me? Why didn't anyone inform me?

"Poor Celeste, but don't worry about him anymore. I'll take good care of him once you're gone," she said and released me roughly, turning to the two men who seemed to be preparing something from a bag.

"Hurry up, attach it!"

I had no choice but to watch in silence, paralyzed by the unfolding events. Soon after, my heart pounded wildly when one of the men approached, and I was quickly in his grasp.

"No, no. What's that? What are you going to do?" Desperation laced my voice.

"I thought you were smart. This is the one thing you don't know? That's a bomb, Celeste. You're going to explode here later on," Hannah said nonchalantly, shrugging her shoulders.