Give up on him

The next day, after taking care of Ariah and Arik, I headed straight to the office. While I wish I could be with Arik 24/7 and take care of him, his demeanor is changing slowly. He doesn't want people around him. He stays in his room all day.

It's something I fear.

As much as I try to ignore his illness, I can't. I see its effects on us, especially on Ariah. She's becoming afraid to approach her father. I feel like it's not just Arik who's slowly slipping away from us; even the family we've built is starting to crumble.

"Good morning, Ma'am Celeste. Someone is waiting for you in your office," Pau greeted me in the hallway.

"Huh? Do I have a meeting today?"

"No, but she said she knows you."

I hurriedly went to the office to see who it was. I had no one in mind. Who could it be?