It was a stormy night and a van packed at the front of a deserted building. The lightening shown as if they were taking picture. A lady in all black looking like an assassin came down from the van and as the lighting shown on her face,you could see that she had no heart at all. I mean she was not smiling NIR did she have any emotions written or drawn on her face. She reached for the back of the van and opened it.she forcefully dragged an unconscious Lady out and walked in the building with the unconscious Lady as all her body were scratching the rough earth.


3 hours later....

In a dark quite stuffy room,the lady that was dragged woke up and tried to run but was cut off guard.she cursed as she realized she was tied. "Oh damn what have I gotten myself into" she cried."why the hell are you soo furious N.Y.L.A?"the lady asked in a cold and rude manner."huh....?"nyla was surprised to hear the familiar voice. She shook her head as if trying to deny something. "Yes darling".it's me" the lady said."Alice you've changed a lot"nyla said unable to cry because of shock. How could the cool silent ghost turn evil in just two days after her kidnap.."it's just for today and until I finish giving you what you deserve."she said with a heartless smirk.this caused Nyla to start shaking. She was filled with horror thinking of what Alice would do to her.her eyes widened at what she saw.Alice had long and sharp nails and from her distal her nails had reddish black colour. Her fangs elongated and her height increased. She was emitting a deadly dangerous aura and something like thick dark smoke were visible around her."a..Alice? Is this you..or maybe someone wants to ,."she was silenced by an evil chuckle. "I am the one Nyla.I am the demon queen.I never knew I had such powers until I lost my virginity to your crush Shawn. I hate him now you know" Alice said giving an evil loud laugh at the end of her sentence. She walked to Nyla and gave her a cut on her face with her sharp nails. The cut was deep from her left eyebrow, crossing her nose and stopping at her right will surely leave her a scary scar and for sure it will take a lot of days to heal."what are you doing Alice "Nyla cried and as her tears rolled and entered her wound, it burned her causing a lot of pain for her to bear. "My nailed contains a deadly poison. That only I can cure.if not cured,every month you will feel the same pain you are feeling now DARLIN" Alice scuffed. After son seconds Nyla began to scream. Her pain increased and black things like vains were clearly visible spreading inside her face. "Just kill me please" Nyla managed to cry out."no DARLING. I'm not gonna kill you. I want you to suffer.BABY."Alice smirked evilly. "What are you" Nyla asked in pain."simple. I'm a half demon half witch. Just like your crush Shawn. He's a half demon half vampire. I even have a good side because of my witch side.but Shawn is purely evil. Vampire and demon."Alice said.immediately after her sentence, a fast and cold wind passed her.she chuckled "I know it's you" she said turning to where the wind settled "Shawn save me please" was all Nyla could whisper before she passed out.Shawn was in his vampire form. Looking still handsome as always. "Alice please calm down" he said stepping close to her watching his steps."step back you vampire or I'll kill you. You son of a traitor "she smirked." What ever you say I accept. But please stop this"he said.he was now one step close to her and reached his hand to grab her but she was fast to cut his wrist with her dagger. "I don't want to poison you because you are also a demon" she said but then guilt was a bit evident in her voice. "I don't care all I know is I want my Alice back" Shawn said and quickly but softly grabbed her shoulder and pulled her for a hug."let me go"she pulled away using her demonic powers.Shawn was blown into the wall and the wall he fell,his body shape was clearly visible on the wall. Alice seemed to pause as she realized what she did.her eyes widened at what she saw. "Sh..Shawn" she called as he lay motionless on the bare ground. Blood was coming out from his mouth and nose."wh..what have I done"she said but then something seemed to stop her from going to him."hahaha...I'm the demon queen and I'll kill anyone that comes my way"she said."now it's time to erase your memory but I'll never heal your wounded face"she said turning to Nyla. She placed her palm over Nyla's head and the dark smoke that surrounded Alice hovered around Nyla and then she smiled."now I'll just throw you away in the woods "Alice said.but then she held her head and began to step back and deep lines were visible on her forehead. And she fainted. But not a minute passed, she woke up and found herself on the bare ground and she saw Nyla and Shawn motionless on the ground." What have I gotten myself into. What did I do"she sobbed. She was back to her normal self but she was very ashamed of herself. She chanted a spell and nyla was back in her room then her and Shawn where back to his room. She helped him undress and used her magic to heal his wounds.