
Alice was in deep tears after hearing her story. So it was her demon side that was making her evil.she hugged Zhou " will I control my powers" Alice sobbed."calm down my dear.I can teach you to control your witch powers but you need a demon to teach you how to control your demons "Zhou explained." Where is my real father?"Alice questioned. "My dear.your dad gave up his memories for you. The spell I casted had a price. Either we both loose our memories or one will loose and then when you loose your innocence ,he will get them back" Zhou explained. "So now he's in hell and I need q demon to open the gates of hell." Zhou said. Alice placed her hand on her mom's and gave it a gentle squeeze."I'll help you mom"she volunteered. Zhou gave her a sincere grin and kissed her hair."thank you dear"Zhou said. "But I'll teach you how to control your witch powers. Without learning, it'll be deadly for you" Zhou warned.


3 months passed quickly and Alice already learned everything she needed to learn as the only thing left was to learn how to control her demons. Very soon,she'll be back in hell.


The sky was very dark that even if you try sighting it,your vision will blur.Alice was standing in a pattern seems to look like triangle inside triangle. Her hair became longer almost reaching her foot.her eyes lost its was reddish black.her nails longer than before and her fangs elongated. She laughed evilly as the portal opened. Dark thick smoke enveloped her and fire was visible circling the triangle she was standing in. "Hahaha....finally my powers..they're back" she said evilly then the portal opened widely and swallowed her.


Inside hell,Alice descended directly on a throne. It was made of gold and had diamond stones as decoration. Under the throne settled the statue of a fierce dragon. And in nothing that seemed like a second, all the demons gathered in her chamber. The chamber was as big as a park.

Her gown was long and close fitting to her curves. The color was reddish black and has an open back. The sleeves were just life threads and the gown was almost transparent. They all bowed to their queen and she gave a short speech promising them cool ruling. She would give them the freedom they deserved. They could terrorize the human world and they could mate with humans. She would be the coolest queen they've ever had and they all cheered to her promises.she picked 4 males for training. She was surely going to pick her 2 loyal guards. And she also picked 4 females to test them so she could pick her 2 loyal maids.


3 days and they were done with training. She picked ramiere and sarly.sarly was a guy of about 20 and he has this charm that attract attention. His hair was orange reaching his shoulder. His facial features were great and his masculine figure was awesome. Ramiere was skyline Shawn's cousin. Unlike skyline, sarly has never been in the human his name was still sarly.and in the ladies, amaya a beautiful lady with dark brown short hair reaching her neck. She was pretty and had qualities Alice needed so she passed the test. Then alver another beauty was chosen. She had short blonde hair reaching her shoulder and her eyes were purple in colour.amaya's demon name was alry but because she was once in the human world she disguised her name. Alice also had her demon name which was Nyx.after the selection party, every selected person was given a personal room in the chamber.