
A week passed and Alice was already in full control of her powers.she even had extra powers. She could summon the most powerful demon"Lucifer".


At night almost midnight. Alice was out from shower and and only towel was covering her seductive curve.she seductively put oil on her body as if she was seducing someone. "Its been long someone rode me" NYC said feeling her breast. Her lips curved slightly as she felt her already erect nipples."naughty me.I'll need to have someone ride my already wet ass"she said seductively biting her lower lips.she let her self fall on the bed and her fingers made its way to her already wet cave and she rubbed it wit her fingers. Her eyelid was heavy due to pleasure she was feeling. "I can't take it anymore" she said.she sat up and summoned remeire.he came in and bowed to her. "Where can I find Eren?" She asked. "Um my queen I think he's with suore" remeire said scratching the back of his head."who is shore"nyx asked and jealousy was evident in her voice. "Your highness I don't know who she is to Prince Eden but they are very close" Remeire said."lead the way"she ordered. "Y...yes mi lady" he said forcing himself not to look at her.noticing his tension, she smiled "tell me remeire" she said."your highness will you go to such a place like this?"he said."don't worry "she said and they disappeared.


Inside a big comfortable room,a table for two was set romantically. Eren was seating on the couch and suore was seating opposite him." Are you sure she's coming?"suore asked.Eren smirked "for sure she's gonna come".not long after his sentence, a knock was heard on his door.who dared to knock so impatiently on Prince eren's door.a sinful smile threatened to escape his seductive lips." She's here.take position"he said and suore did as she was told. They both took their seat and Eren began to serve suore. And then the door was forced open. The scene where Eren was serving suore was caught by nyx.she was very devastated. Her jealousy was evident and she began to reach her peak."what do we call this intrusion queen Nyx?"Eren asked."how could you do this Shawn?"she asked and dark smoke enveloped suore. Her scream of pain filled the the room. "You'll kill her Alice stop it.I mean Nyx" Eren said Nyx was not responding. No she couldn't hear him.her eyes were pitch black and her lips curved slightly into a wicked smile.before remeire could intrud,Eren already seized her lips in a kiss.luckily, it worked.the dark smoke disappeared and her eyes were back to normal. Her hand ran its way to his torso and she explored it like she owned it."any bitch I find around you will have to die Eren"she said under their kiss.her hand made it inside his shirt and she began to feel his bare chest.oh how she missed this.his body against her's.with a snap of his fingers, they were both in his room."my Nyx do you know how much I've missed you?"he said as his lips wound its way to her bare neck.she moaned.and her hand made it to his pants and she unzipped it feeling his already hard soldier,she smiled "ready for me huh..Eren" she teased and her tongue landed on his neck."I'm gonna mark you b.a.b.y"she said and her fang sank into his skin."ah you taste sweet"she stated. "More than my cock?" He asked."no.your dick is fantastic"she confessed.