
"Thanks for not resisting" She said again and just rested her head on his chest... Her Shawn was back.. Or should she say her Eren.. They were in hell, so she would probably use his hell name.. She was so happy she wanted to grant every wish... A knock on the door made her frown.. "Come in" The door opened, but she just looked displeased.. He smiled... "Hi Eren.. I'm Rein" He said extending his hand and Eren shook it.. "Babe i was looking all the place for you" Rein said.. "I've told you, i'm not your babe.. I only beling to one person, and he is alive and healthy.. I think we talked over it" She said... Making herself clare... Rein just smirked.. "Bit your father gave his concent for me to marry you" He said.. Shaen or should i day Eren eas about to loose his cool.. He was not comfortable with Reid... He saw him as his rival... He never wanted him near his.. What was he saying? He just couldn't bare it when that Reid of a guy talks to this beautiful woman.. Alice was her name.. Right... Ok.. Now Reid was getting on her nerves... She really wanted to slap the hell outta his body, buy she was willing to play the cool one not to make a my day any worse. ... If i was in love with her, i think now i'm falling heads for her... "Then go and get mrried to my father not me.. Since he likes you, and i can see you also like him, you can get married.. Amd ooh don't worry, i don't judge peoples sexuality" She spat like a snake spitting out venom.. He clutched his chest dramatically, then smiled.. Don't worry, i won't force you Nyx.. But eventually you'll fall for me.."be said.. She glared daggers at him, " I would have fallen for you 3yrs ago, but no.. Why would i fall now especially now that my one and only is back" She said.. The door opened, and Lucifer came in.. "Wepcome back son of dracula" He said... The name sounds familiar to Eren, bit he can't figure out how.. "Uncle i thought i said to not allow Reid into my chambers.. " I questioned.. Lucifer gave a slight bow... Although, he was my uncle, former hell ruller, and so egoistick, he gave me the amount of respect i deserve.. "I am so sorry my queen.. I didn't know when he cane in " He said.. Eren was just looking at what was going on, but then everything began to fade... He felt like he was dreaming, then thud.. He fell limp.. "Baby please dont give up on me... I live you please just hang on... Someone call the healer" She screamed.. Was he going to leave her?.. No not now that he wome up.. He haf to stay for her.. For Victor... For all of them... She barely kept up for 3yrs.. Of he should die again, then she'll just kill her fucking damn self and die.. After some minutes, the healer came and checked.. Then prescribed some herbs... "He fainted due to stress" The healer said.. "What type of stress please so i'll know what to keep away from him" She asked