fulfilling my promise

After we settled down at Shawn's, I began to recall everything that happened in the past... Now I knew that all my problems were over... But then I had this promise I made to Zhou... I promised to help her see dad and that's what I'll do.... I went and kissed Vic good night, then kissed Shawn good night too then told him I was going to visit hell.. "be careful my love" he said planting a soft kiss on my lips... I nodded, then transformed... I just loved my demon looks... My long reddish black hair reaching my foot, my long fangs and nails... My tempting clothes...



I called for lee... "My queen my daughter" he greeted.. I smiled at him and offered him to sit... "Why didn't you go to mom?" I asked... "I'm always watching her from afar" he said.. "do you have any idea how much she misses you?" I asked... He kept quiet... "You're going with me to the witches realm... You have to see her" I demanded... He had to obey... "Look darling it's not that I don't miss or love Zhou, but she can't be with me... I am just her bad luck" he said... "And that's not for you to decide" I said.. after giving him time to prepare, I dragged him to Zhou's house.. "Zhou.. I mean mom" I called from the tree.. the tree that always surprises me even though I stayed in it for about 3 months... It was a tree from the outside, but the inside was just a wonderful place to be in.. she hid from her own race... They betrayed her.... Killing me once... Shortly, the tree twisted and a passage was revealed.. I walked with Jung lee into the place and then we reached a massive building... Then we got in... She was sitting on the couch with Kim ... She seemed to have changed the color of her hair from pink orange to dark green.. she excused herself after we exchange greetings, then mom ushered us seats.. I could feel how excited both of them where.. I mentally self palmed myself for unintentionally being present... "Zhou.. now, my promise is fulfilled... I brought your husband back to you and now the remaining is in your hand... I think I've done my part, it's time for me to go" I said.... They both looked at me speachless.... "Wait dear" Zhou called.. I froze in my tracks of standing up.. she hugged me, then gave me a charm necklace for both Vic and I.... "This will protect your energy... And also conceal your presence... I heard that the witches are looking for you, but can't find you... They don't know how you managed to hide from them all this while..." She said.. then I remembered that since I lost my innocence, I never spent a lot of time in the human realm.. and if you stay in hell for a day, your presence will be absent for a week... And now my witch powers are kept in hell... So they can't track me down... I just kissed her good bye then left


Hi loyal and lovely readers.. how are you doing.. enjoy 😘🤩