witches everywhere

I headed straight to Vic's room and helped him wear the necklace while he was asleep.. then I return to my room finding a shirtless Shawn half leaning towards the headboard.. "ain't you sleepy?" I asked.. he just smiled, patting the space close to him.. I smiled back at him, "I'm still in my demon form baby" I said... "I know I just want to hold you" he said.. I nod, walk towards my closet taking out a towel, I headed to bath.. after that, I wore a light blue short gown, transparent that it shows all my curves.. then I gracefully went to him and lay closer.. he smiles and kisses my neck.. "Alice" he called.. I looked up to him, his eyes sparkling with adoration for me..."thank you for coming into my life.. thank you for being the mother of my child, thank you for taking care of my heart. Thank you for not loosing hope that I will revive" he said each thank you with a kiss on my neck... "You know I will always love you. I loved you from the start, and I'll love you till the end" I said.. he hugged me, but when we pulled out,I kissed him.. he responded, but the kiss was just as innocent as we were.. it only assured us of our love, promises and trust.. nothing more.. "Shawn.. I love you" I said he kissed my head "I love you too baby" he said, cuddling me, we both slept... The next morning, Vic came to wake us... "Mommy wake up.. I have school today" he said.. I opened my eyes, he was all ready for school.."did daddy get you ready?" I asked as he came to kiss me good morning..he nodded..I smiled.. shortly, Shawn entered with a tray of food.. he is planning on spoiling me today "good morning angel" he said.."good morning sweetie" I replied.. "but daddy lying is bad" Vic said... Huh? "Honey what did daddy lie about?" I asked "yes son tell us" Shawn said setting the bed table for me and placed the food.. "mommy is not an angel, she is a beautiful demon.. no angel can outstand her beauty " Vic said proudly but innocently.. Shawn and I burst out laughing.. "ohh hun... When you call someone an angel, it doesn't mean that person is the real angel. It's just like a name to call someone you love" I explained.. he looked at me for more explanations... "You see, I don't mind if I am called a demon because it's my identity... But not everyone likes it.. they believe that all demons are evil, and all angles are good.. so we say angel not demon ok" I said hoping he understood what I said cuz I don't know what else to say.. he nodded.. "ok angel.. eat so you and daddy can take me to school before I get late" Vic said.. I smiled at him but Shawn was a bit speechless.. after I ate, I had a quick shower and wore a white gown, fitting closely to my curves that you can trace them... My hair in an updo, light makeup and my expensive jewelry.. my designer purse.. well vampires and demons are always

rich, so money was never our problem.. Shawn drove us, and we both took Vic inside the school.. I noticed him looking at a little girl.. she was cute with her navy blue hair in wavy curls.. her pointed nose, that black sparkling eyes.. when they locked eyes, she smiled shyly,but he scoffed and turned away... I smiled at Shawn who also noticed them.. "witches everywhere" Vic said.. I looked at him.. "hun did you say witches" I asked in a whisper... He nodded skillfully pointing to the girl " she's a witch" he said in a whisper... I nodded.. after we dropped him off in his class, we left.


Hello sweeties.. how are you guys doing.. sorry I took a break for my birthday and also Christmas.. how was your Christmas.. also wishing you all a happy new year..