I have all of my stuff moved to a guest room. Once I get settled, I pick up my phone and call my brother.

‘Hi, baby sister.” My brother says.

That’s all it takes for the dam to finally break. I start crying my heart out. Zach keeps trying to ask me what is wrong, but I can’t stop crying. After a few minutes, my crying finally slowed down.

“What’s wrong Zell? Who do I need to kill? I can call Uncle Jerry and we can be to you in 30 minutes. No one makes my baby sister cry. Where is Kosta?”

I pull myself together so that I can actually talk to Zach and let him know what I need from him.

“Sorry big brother. It just hurts so much. Don’t come right now. I’m ok. I just had to get that out. I have been holding it in for a while. Kosta stripped me of all my Luna privileges tonight after I walked into the dining room and saw Khalis sitting in the Luna chair feeding him. She apparently is taking care of all of his needs because I have been working too much and neglecting him.”

“What the hell.” Zach yelled, “I will kill them both.”

“Not yet Zach. I want to see how this plays out. Khalis told me that she wants Kosta and the Luna position. She and Kosta are planning something to discredit me in the eyes of the pack. Zach, I’m pregnant and I have to think about my pup’s future. I need to see this through and expose them for the low lives they are. I recorded my conversation with Khalis. The recording is on the private server you installed for me. I am keeping the cameras in my office even though I have been stripped. I need to gather as much evidence as I can get so that when this blows up, I can take my case to the council. He will either try to use my pup to get back at me or use him or her for personal gain and I can’t let any of that happen.”

“So what’s the plan baby sis?”

“Well, I have already moved all of my personal money from the pack accounts. They are now responsible for themselves. I’m not sure how that is going to go over. I was covering most of the pack’s budget. Tomorrow, I will contact my attorneys to protect all of my other assets. I also plan to call our allies and let them know that I am no longer associated with the pack. I am erasing everything I’ve done over the past three years. They will need to start over from scratch and rebuild it all on their own. There is no way they will get to enjoy my hard work. No sir.”

“Very smart Zell. What do you need me to do?”

“I’m going to need you, Uncle Jerry, and a few elite warriors here to help me leave safely. Khalis said she will have him in 7 days. I don’t know if I will be able to stay here the whole 7 days, but I need to stay for now. I want to give Kosta the benefit of the doubt. I want to know if there is any hope of us working it out in the future. Don’t get me wrong, I am leaving no matter what because he completely disrespected me, but as of now, he has not broken our bond. As long as he doesn’t, the door will be open for us to work through this in the future, but if she gets him to cheat on me, it is 100% over.”

“OK Zell, I will get with Uncle Jerry and we will have everything ready. You need to be ready to move in a moment's notice. I’m going to send a few of my elite warriors close to that pack in case something happens. They can keep you safe until I can get to you. I can promise you Kosta will regret hurting my baby sister. He has known me long enough to know that I will kill anything that hurts you. He better hope Mom does not get to him before I do.”

“I have already had all of my things moved to a guest room. All of the things I want are packed and ready to go. I may ship a few things ahead. Sapphire and I are both ready to leave.’

“I’m surprised Sapphire does not want to fight for her mate. Is she ready to leave Emil?”

“We are giving both of them a chance by still being here. Honestly, Zach, we have not had a relationship in over a month. Emil has not connected with Sapphire in just as long. Our bond is weakened already. If I wasn’t with pup, I wouldn’t even try.”

“I understand sis. I am so disappointed in Kosta. He was one of my closest friends. I entrusted my baby sister to him and he greatly let me down. I thought you were safe with him. He will pay for every tear that you shed. I promise you that. I’m going to call Uncle Jerry and get everything set up. I have six warriors already on their way to you. They will keep an eye on things and let me know what’s happening.”

“Ok. Love you, big brother.”

“Love you muffin. Get some rest.”

We get off the phone and I finish doing all my business transactions. I need to make sure that my finances and shares are protected. I feel sorry for the pack members who will have to suffer because of a selfish she-wolf and an asshole alpha. I wonder if Kosta knows how close the pack is to being bankrupt without the support of my family and my personal finances. I’m just glad that they showed their hands now before I had completely gotten them out of the hole. I guess since they were living better and had more luxuries, they thought the pack was in the black. Jokes on them.