These last few days have been hell for me. I was sure that Kosta would have at least tried to talk to me and try to work things out between us. This is the first time we have slept apart since we mated. It doesn’t seem to phase him at all. On the other hand, I cried myself to sleep that first night. I left the connection between me and Kosta open so that he could feel all of my pain. After a while, he blocked me rather than comforting me. I felt so hurt and alone. This was the beginning of me accepting that it is really over between us and there is nothing I can do to fix this. If my mate feeling me in pain could not break through, I don’t think anything will. A true mate should not be able to feel that amount of pain from their mate and not respond to it. The fact that he could and did speaks volumes. I realized that it was pointless for me to keep a connection that was unwanted on the other end, so I kept my block up.