“That little bastard should have died!” Kosta yelled.
Sapphire growled so loud that the ground started shaking. Sapphire is almost out of control. It took everything in me to keep Sapphire from ripping Kosta’s throat out at the moment. You could see the entire pack shifting away from him. My grandfather stepped out of the shadows dragging Alpha Richard with him.
“Did I just hear you wish death on my unborn grandson? Just know that had he died, you, your whore, and everyone either of you love would have died with him. It’s bad enough that you were going to help this piece of shit kidnap and rape my oldest granddaughter, who asked me not to kill you today, but you dare wish death on a royal!” My grandfather yelled. “I Should ignore the promise I made to Zell and kill you where you stand and send your whore to Hades with you.
My grandfather walks toward Kosta who is standing there with wide eyes. Khalis looks like she is about to pass out.