ch.4 Witch and the new me

F*ck its Betty White!

Appearing to be a bit petite, not hiding her old age even with that black sunglasses, she dresses like my old nana used to when at home. In a one piece floral dress.

With the same white hair I last saw Betty White had on TV. However, she exudes a regal aura. For a moment there, I thought the Queen had risen from her grave.

Death guy stood up and bow politely at her. Kicking Emo girl's chair and signaling to us to do the same.

I approach her with a bow and then said, " Nice to meet you Ma'am, I'm a fan of yours."

....*cricket *...

*Cough* Death guy broke the silence and said, " Thats not her. In this world, people might and will look like those from your old world. So keep that in mind when meeting new people."

*Ehem* Death guy straightened up and properly introduce the Betty look-alike. "I present to you, Dora Witcherly, the Witch of Endor, also known by many as Zephaniah!"

Dora looked around and said, " I already saw what's about to happen, but for formalities' sake, let me hear you officially".

Death guy retold her everything and then pointed to me .

" So you're going to be my grandkid?! " She paused, and a big angelic smile appeared on her face. " I would love to be a grandma again after a long time. My granddaughters never come around anymore. The last time one of them visited was 80 yrs ago, and that's just to avoid a vampire hunter in Louisiana. But I haven't changed a diaper in years. The last time I think was a little after my granddaughters started to walk and that was nearly 10000 years ago. Haaaayyyy.... Time sure flies." She sighed with a motherly smile facing us.

I kind of froze on the spot trying to process all she said. The numbers she threw are a bit shocking to say the least, adding to the realization that I'll be in my diapers being charged by her added to the whirlwind of emotions I'm feeling.

*giggles* The emo girl holding it in.

*cough* Death guy asked, " Dora, will you be free from any conflicts around your circle? I remember you had mentioned you will be part of the conflict regarding a couple of twins?"

Dora's head blurred , from my POV she's looking all around her then replied, " Its currently 1980 , the prophecy regarding the twins of gold and silver would not play out around 2007 so i can be his guardian as his anchor's conflict will conclude at 1997. If my new grandson decided to intervene and plays his cards right, we can conclude it earlier. Though I have to be careful as the Flamels would be involved in both conflicts. But knowing them, they would be happy to be involved. I already see Penny doting on this kid as her grandson."

She then focuses on me and continued, " Old people, especially immortals, tend to love being around babies."

'Flamels? Well, that is a name I'm a bit familiar with'. I'm intrigued on how they knew each other.

"So with that clarified, all we need is a name and your new body in related to Dora here. Dora can you give a drop of your blood please," Death guy conjured a needle and a paper with a gold title Birth Certificate on it.

"Maybe you can model me to look-alike you?" I suggested.

Grandma Dora pondered a bit and the next thing she glowed and became an enchanting woman that radiates light.

It's kind of painful to stare at her, but I can recognize her face. It still looks like a younger Betty White. But as I compare her face to people I know, a name appears in my head.... HEIDI KLUM!.

The light vanished, and she returns to being an old lady. She explained, " That's my look when I was younger , dear. Will that do? But of course, we'll change it to a masculine version… maybe add in a bit of my husband's features. Then which hairstyle and color would you prefer?"

A question popped into my head, so I asked, " So I will also have a new grandad?"

She shakes her head and said, " No, he's a bit of a war freak. We won't have peace with him around, so after a fit of anger, I cursed and trapped him under the Catacombs of Paris. I foresee in the near future I would eventually free him as he had a role in the prophecy with the twins."

I just nod and make a mental note to never anger my new grandma.

She waved her hand and a mirror appeared in front of me.

Looking at it, I can see someone wearing my bloodied cloths staring at me. But it was not my face. I was shocked again.

The man looks younger and thinner that I remembered. But there's no mistaking it.