ch. 7 What happen to my gifts?

As I was an avid fan of reading novels and part otaku, I wanted to start practicing magic and familiarize myself with my gifts when I'm still a babe. But Nana stopped me from isolating myself in magic studies.

She told me that my reincarnated body is still adapting to the will of the world and for it to accept me fully, I need to interact with its beings.

Think of me as a transplanted organ into a different body. I need to properly integrate myself with the others around me and don't do anything i should not do. Because I might be rejected by the world itself.

So as a child, I should act as such. Albeit a special one.

I'm seeing the reason for having a guardian now.

Nana also added, that as a high human with her Elder blood, magic will come to me naturally. I'm just waiting for the world to accept me.

What is an Elder, you ask? Simply put, they are Gods of the olden days.

You might not be familiar with my Nana Dora and her titles, but I'm sure you heard about my grandpa Mars. They are powerhouses that aren't mentioned anymore, but they do exist.

If the Magical communities of Harry Potter separated themselves from muggles, then the Elders and their associates separated/hide from the world itself.

Special cases like my Nana Dora, as the Guardian Seer, can roam around freely in the open.

She said the world allows it and as she puts it, " Even the world is afraid of what I can do, Dear. So when I meet others of my kind and those that know of me, they make sure we separate as friends or just acquaintance. Never as enemies."

My Nana is awesome!!!!

Back to my gifts. I actually can use two of my gifts freely, as they have no physical manifestation. The Angel's Tongue and the Eyes of Siri.

Angel's Tongue is something I got from being related to Nana Dora by blood. It allows me to read and speak in all languages known to man.

It is not perfect, though, I can't identify what language I'm speaking and reading. And it is passive, so I can hold a conversation with a foreigner but can't pinpoint their nationality. I also don't know how to write using those foreign languages.

It's handy to a degree, but I need to study a bit to fully utilize it or at least not look stupid in front of other people.

It also allows me to talk to animals in a way. Not like Parseltongue with the hissing.

Basically, I talk, they listen and understand it. If they follow or do what I'm saying is another matter. It is best used on creatures with some degree of intelligence. When they reply to me, I still just hear them as animal sound. But somehow, by instinct, I can understand their reply.

For the Eyes of Siri, I need to stare at the object, person or creature and a text box appear.

I need to ask specific information about what/who I staring at in my mind, and a reply appears.

Let us make an example with an apple.

I stare at the apple. Concentrate a bit for the txt box to appear. And ask a question about the apple, verbally or silently.

Me: What kind of apple is this?

Siri: Honeycrisp

Me: What is its weight?

Siri: between 70 and 100 grams or 0.33 pounds or 0.7 and 1N

Me:what can you tell me about it.

Siri: it is red? Please specify your question.

Me: where did it come from?

Siri: a tree?

Me: which place?

Siri: Nova Scotia, Canada

Me: what its ancestry?

Siri: It is generically modified. The grandparents of this Honeycrisp are the Duchess of Oldenburg and the Golden Delicious varieties.

I think I got scammed with Eyes of Siri. It is a pain to use, both literally and figuratively. But it still compliments my last gift/ cheat, Beast Space, specifically the 4 contract slot that I can only use on NONE MAGICAL CREATURES. So I'm banking on finding animals with hidden bloodlines.

I let Nana see my mindscape and figure the mechanics of the 4 slots and that properties the Spring has.

When she finished, she started with the Spring.

The water on the spring can remove filth accumulated in one's body overtime. Meaning it can't cure illnesses overnight simply by drinking it once. Prolonged exposure is necessary to have noticeable effect. Same thing when we discuss bloodline of the those who drank it. The same applies to plants.

Currently, I can't bring out the water to give to someone or sprinkle to the plants in the backyard. I'm still waiting for the world's will to accept me. I was able to put some plants and small insects. Though, I can't take them out. So I can't use the space as an inventory or a farm.

The slots are activated when I form a contract with animals. It is different from the bond some had like between Dumbledore and Fawkes. His phoenix can't enter his mindscape.

My contacted animals are the only one that can go in and out my mindscape. The contract activates the feature of the Beast Space and gives a suitable environment for the contracted animal. It also bring out any dormant bloodline sleeping within them faster than just drinking the spring water.

Nana said that a powerful contact might show positive effect to the spring.

I'm still waiting for the world will to accept me, but until then, I have to live as a normal little kid. Albeit a special one.