ch 11. Lessons

1st week of November 1985.

After the whole Halloween ordeal, I took my time pondering the wisdom my Nana Dora try to impart to me.

Honestly, this is not the first time, and I'm pretty sure not the last. I have a lifetime to learn. A particular long one to boot.

Remember I mentioned earlier that she brought me to several retirement homes around our area?

Well, it's not just to correct my mindset as a kid.

It is also to introduce me to the concept of DEATH. Over the years, I've been a constant audience to a few individuals' last moment on this earth.

It was a sad and a bit cruel if you think an about it.

Good thing, I'm not a normal kid and can process the experience.

I learned that Death is a constant in the world. It is not a symbol of evil or something that should be categorized as 'dark'.

It's just a natural part of life.

From my latest experience, Nana introduce me to the concept of DESTINY. An ever-changing force that is so strong that it lord over life and death. Yet so weak to be easily affected by the simplest things such as your choice to go left or right.

Life and Death, then Destiny. A few universal forces that you have to be careful with. Any attempt to go against or control any of them can lead to consequences one might not want to face.

Sacrifices were needed to gain powers that remotely defies them.

Then I remembered Nana mentioned she sacrificed her eyes and youthful appearance. Will I need to pay something for the changes I bring to Harry Potter's story?

I asked Nana, and she reassured me with a smile, "Someone already paid your fee for changes you will be making. But it is only for the prophecy regarding the boy. That's why I'm stopping you from knowing too much about the Elders and the prophecy about the twin of gold and silver. "

'Someone already paid? Who?' I pondered a bit, then the image of the Death guy and Emo girl came to mind.

I nodded and just accepted their grace.



After sometime and a few tubs of ice creams, I returned to my normal cheerful self.

Now I'm ready to practice magic early, but Nana limits it to simple stuffs. Nana's lessons are simple but time-consuming and they're just two with multiple exercises and variations.

First Lesson -MOVING THINGS-

I started small, and when I say small, I mean really small.

Starting with a pinch of salt... Then to a grain of rice... Then a kernel of corn...Soy well, you get the picture.

This exercise had few variations, like starting from 1 piece, moving to two at the same time. Then to three and so on.

Another variation is with liquid objects. I placed a clear glass of water in front of me and try to drink it, magically, of course.

At first, I can't seem to get a hold of it but got the trick and started with a drop. One at a time then moved on to bigger spear of water.

And when I can exert a considerable amount of force or weight. I moved onto the two other exercises. Moving a part of a whole and functional application.

Moving a part of a whole is simple, really. Think of a door knob. I'm just turning the knob, not the whole door. My favorite thing to practice is my Rubik's Cube.

Functional application means moving thing with a purpose. I laughed when Nana presented me with cleaning equipments and supplies.

In one part, I'm controlling two rags moving in circular rotation. I'm literally waxing the floor and mumbling to myself," wax on, wax off".

I really want to try the paint brush thing, but I have to be outside for that, so I passed.

But I remember Jackie Chan. So I ended up doing the 'jacket on, jacket off' exercise. I can't help myself, doing it with a stupid smile. Nana looks at me like she's seeing one of her singing nannies.

The second magic Lesson is INDUCING CHANGE. There are only two exercises and the variations are just increasing the numbers.

The first exercise is lighting a match. The way Nana instructed it reminds me of the movie SORCERER'S APPRENTICE, where they clear their mind first, try to imagine or see the molecules in an object and shake them creating friction and thus sparks.

I thought I'll have a hard time seeing the molecules, but I was surprised that I can!!!

Nana explained that it was because I'm related to her by blood. She told me that before she sacrificed hey eyes, she can see everything in existence. I suddenly realized I'm seeing magic itself.

I thought of Luna and asked Nana, "Nana, do you know what's a Wrackspurt?"

She smiled and answered, "Yes Dear, though I can tell that you can't see them."

I nodded. So that means Nana used to see all things, while I just got a bit of a special sight.

Thereafter, lighting matches became easy. When I moved on to candles, it was just a bit harder, but I was able to do it with ease.

I didn't go further than matches and candles. I know fire is a fickle thing to used in a kid's training.

I still remember the firecrackers.