ch 26 I just realized... I'M SPECIAL!!

August 13 1987 Thursday 10:30 am Ottery Saonsbury's

"Corn, cherry tomatoes, okra, lima beans... I think I can add jicama and some baby carrots to add some crunch...." I'm going through my list for making succotash.

I finally got most of my new powers figured out. And Reza gave me a lot! Though keeping them in check, specially my control of the white flames I got from her, needed time.

I have to be in the training room for almost a week and my bracelet now is made of 8 strings from Gavel's wool. Two strings for praesidium (protection), three for coercere (restrain) and three for indeprensus (undetected).

With regards to making my own enchanted bracelet, I was able to create one using two string with both imbued by weak praesidium enchantment. My magic is not stable and strong enough for more complex 'designs'.

Oddly, even with the addition of Gavel and Reza, my magic reserve didn't have a big increase. Base from Nana's estimate, I'm only at the level of an average 2nd year wizard which is the result of my own magic training. It is considered advance for my age but not at the level that allows me to do magic none stop.

My strength, speed and endurance are connected to my physical vitality. I can now lift 100 kilos of weight and do a 20K run under an hour without breaking a sweat.

I checked Reza's healing abilities. She does not have the healing tears. Her healing attribute is in her blood like a unicorn. I'm not complaining though. With her, my Spring's healing abilities is at the level above that of the phoenix tears. The Spring water can cleanse impurities, heal major injuries and regenerate tissues. Nana said that the effectiveness of the regenerative properties depends on the amount of Spring water consume.

The Spring water can now counter any poison and venum even the magical ones. With the strengthening and nourishing effects from Gavel, it became an all-rounder when saving lives. The world's will still require my 'energy' if I took it out but with my increase vitality, I at least don't feel exhausted as I use to be.

I'm thinking, 'Since the Spring water's healing abilities is already through the roof, I might just forgo my requirement of having 'healing abilities' for my last contract and just go for a creature that has a 'cool' factor like a dragon. Sadly the only lizards that I found have firedrakes and moke bloodlines. The rare ones only pertains to extinct prehistoric lizards that are none magical in nature. 'Seriously, the World's will is joking with me.'

I'm very excited that I got something similar to 'phoenix lament'. I can imbue magic onto my voice. When I tried singing to Nana, she said that my 'magical' voice can affect the soul. So I need to avoid getting too lost in the song when I sing. To better control it, I'm already thinking of assigning specific songs for certain desired effects.

Speaking of soul, Nana ' took a look' and said that my soul had been strengthen. I thought, 'Wait! The soul magics I know are the Horcrux, Patronus, the soul sucking abilities of dementors, the Qilin's ability to see through people soul, and the ability of the Resurrection Stone. I have no desire to make a Horcux, or suck people's soul. I know better to tamper magic related to life and death. So that leaves me with patronus charm and seeing through peoples soul. I'll have to practice those in the future.'

I also now have a 'beginner level' pyrokinesis and flame resistance in-line with Reza's fire affinity. I believe the white flame is the added bonus from the Beast Space. I checked with Siri when I appraised the white flames. The flame can be controlled to cleanse objects and living things of any dark energy or impurities. "It appears that 'miasma' exists in the world that the BeastSpace came from. I'll try to figure out if it works against 'dark magic' here. Can I use this on Horcruxes?'

I tried to see if I have teleportation abilies. Nana quickly stopped me. She said to wait for Reza to learn and master it first then have her teach me. Nana said I might hurt myself since it was like apparition that have risks involve. It seems my ability to evade her 'sight' increased again to the point that she can't predict the outcome of such experiment.

-Back to my shopping.-

I'm already on my way to the counter after getting all I need. As there was a long line, I thought to past the time by silently singing a song..

🎵 🎶 🎵 🎶 🎵

I have a dream, a song to sing

To help me cope with anything....

🎵 🎶 🎵 🎶 🎵

I didn't realized that I accidentally imbued my magic to my voice...

🎵 🎶 🎵 🎶 🎵 🎶

I believe in angels

Something good in everything I see..

🎵 🎶 🎵 🎶 🎵 🎶

I didn't realize that everyone in the store was looking at me. Then someone patted my shoulder snapping me out of my trance. I look back to see Penny and Nick staring at me.

Then I realize what was I doing and the reaction of people around me, 'Oh,sh*t! I forgot that I can't get lost in my song b'cuz I enter a trance like state. My bracelet can't block my voice.'

When I stopped singing, everyone just gave me a smile and some nodded at me. It's like I just made thier day with my song. 'Good, it pass as me just singing an uplifting song.' I look back at the couple and said, "Thanks."

Penny replied, "Don't mention it, Dear. It's normal for young wizards to have some episodes of accidental magic. But I have to say, yours is very unique and strong. Me and my husband was also affected a little." She have a smile and an inquisitive look on her face. Nick was just staring at me like I owed him money.

But after a moment of silence, Nick abruptly asked, "Kid, do you have siblings?"

'Huh, what is it now?', I just answered a plain, "None."

"How about cousins? Do you have friends who are also wiz---" Nick, just went on with his weird question until Penny cut him off.

"Hör auf! Seine Aura ist weiß!" Penny sternly said.(Ger. Stop it! His aura is white!)

'Oh, she's speaking German now. Hmmm... Aura? Ah, the special magic Nana and Francis use. So mine is white? Oh the incense smoke that I use to open the beast space! '

I'm really curious on how to use it but I have my hands full with the feedbacks from my contracted beasts and my magic training.

Penny turn to me again and apologize, "Sorry about my husband. Anyway, are you free this weekend to have dinner at our house?"

I already talked about it with Nana so I said, "Yes, How about Saturday? I can come early to help cook. As you can see, I have some skills in the kitchen." I point at my shopping cart.

"Saturday is good. Just come as a guest dear." Penny confirmed with a smile. It seems they still have some grocery shopping to do. Nick just stood there like the world owes him money.

"OK. Bis dann. Ich werde jetzt gehen." I jokingly said my goodbye. (Ger. Ok. See you then. I'll be going now.)

I just went to the cashier not looking at them anymore. 'Hahaha!'

At the Witcherly residence.

While I was having lunch with Nana, I asked,"Nana, Nick kept asking if I have siblings or cousins? What's that about?"

Nana shakes her head with disappointment,"Don't mind him Dear. It's related to the propecy of the twins. Over time he became desperate that it clouded his judgment..."

"You see , when a prophecy presents itself to the world, there is always an 'audience' or the people who saw,read,know or heard of what they foretold. Those 'audiences' reacts in different ways. Some don't pay attention to it, some try to stop it, some try to assist on fulfilling it and some try to survive it."

..."Nick is looking for the prophesied twins. In his frustration and desperation, his definition of "twin" became vague and he included siblings, cousins and friends in his search. Worst yet, his definition of "silver" now include white and gray;and his "gold" includes brown, yellow and orange. "

"Oh so that's why." I hesitate but still asked,"Nana, whats aura? Don't worry I'm not gonna study it. I just got curious because Penny said mine was white."

"Don't worry, Dear. I know." She smile and started to explain,"Aura is an electrical field that surrounds every living organism, even the non magical. Powerful auras tends to have one color and strong scent. It can be use to perform "great" magic at a cost of one's life force. Using too much to the point you exhaust your life force will cause you to age faster and eventually die. The only exceptions are immortal beings. Using aura was initially how gods perform magic hence no need for spells and wands..."

..."When the age of man began, there was a special 'breed' that appeared that can store magical energy from thier surroundings into thier body, more specifically in thier DNA. They became the early wizards and witches. With human ingenuity, they were able to harnest it using conduits like wands or when they weŕe able use the words of the gods which became spells..."

"...You're a wizard, because you were given the gene to be one, as you were transferred to this world to be a student of Hogwarts. You're not technically using aura to perform magic. But the way you access your mindscape to let your contracted beast go in or out cuts to the electric field which is your aura. Basically, your aura is leaking. But don't worry, theres no side effect for you with regards to the leak."

She fished with, " When you're doing your wandless magic exercises, you are using that wizard gene which is in every single cell in your body. When you asked me where your core was, I just laugh because your whole body is the 'core'.

I was silent after hearing that. 'Using life force to use magic. So normal people and wizards will age faster or die if they perform magic via aura. And wizards can store magical energy in thier bodies. That's why for the developing years of a wizard, it is essential for them to be in a magic rich environment like the places where the magic schools were built...'

Then I wonder and asked, "Which magic is stronger?"

Nana just honestly said, "The one used by the person left standing." She added, "Thats why the surviving gods became choosy when granting immortality to humans. They are afraid wizards will learn how to use aura. Nick and Penny became a special case because thier immortality is due to the Philosopher's Stone. That's why many are seeking them out. And now, you also became a special case.

It just dawned on me, 'Fuck! I think I became a magnet for disaster!'

~end chapter ~