ch 41 Goals and Dreams

Aug 26, 1991, Monday. The Burrow 12:15 pm

"Do you want another crab cake, Harry? Don't be shy. You too Marshall. You brought too much seafood again.." Molly frantically keep stuffing food on our plate.

It's been 3 weeks since Harry stayed with me and only a week before we go to Hogwarts. The Weasley couple were dumbfounded when I sent them a letter that Harry Potter is staying in my house.

They immediately came over to know what happened. When they heard Harry's story and run a diagnosis spell on him, Molly almost lost it. She locked Harry in her signature bear hug until she calmed down.

Nana agreed for Harry to stay with us and converted our training room back to a normal room for guest. Grace and the other three were fine staying in the Beast Space for now, they just miss the TV but they got into reading the books I bought.

Naji, Tania and Bunta were the only ones who got to meet Harry. The Flemings, Weasleys and Lovegoods were already familiar with the three. They already know that I have inspiration to be like Newt Scamander.

And yes, Harry met Nick and Penny but as Flemings not as Flamels. I know I'm putting the Headmaster's little play in jeopardy, but as long as no one find out who's who, it's fine.

Harry also tagged along when my muggle friends and our families spent a few days down in the beach at Sidmouth. I just told them that Harry is a distant cousin from my father side who will be attending the same school as me.

Harry was having the time of his life being able to interact with people from both the muggle and magical side.

Me, Harry and Ron even reviewed some of our books. I made the two memorize what would they get if powdered root of asphodel was added to an infusion of wormwood. I also pointed what is a bezoar and where to find them. I made sure they know what is a monkshood and wolfsbane.

And since I met the Weasley before they shop for thier school supplies, I was able to gift Percy, Fred, George, Ron and Harry enchanted quills each. As I planned, Ron did get a new wand.

Regarding Harry's injuries, I was able to fix the guy up by slipping some diluted spring water in his drinks. I can't use a 100% concentration because I'm afraid that thing in Harry's scar will react violently.

Back in the Burrow, Ron, Harry, me and the Weasley twins were having fun chasing the pesky gnomes in the garden.

I saw two heads peeking out from the side of the barn. I laughed and thought, 'Awww, puppy love.' I called out, "Ginny! Luna! Why are you being sneaky? You weren't shy when I visit. What change?"

George grin and said outloud, "It's not what change. It's who did you brought along , mate."

Fred added, "Yeah, you should had seen her reaction when your letter came.."

"SHUT UP, GEORGE!" Ginny yelled out.

"I'm Fred, Sis!" Fred said grinning.

Luna innocently said, "But Ginny, you did said you want to look at Har-----" *mmmm*mMmMm* Ginny quickly covered her mouth and dragged the girl away.

Harry was beat red when he figured what we're talking about.

I looked back and I'm happy that Luna is still a cheerful girl. Pandora did encountered an accident in one of her spells going wrong but thanks to my enchanted bracelet she was protected. Xeno sent me a letter thanking me for the bracelet.

When we were tossing the gnomes over the hedge of the garden, Ron asked me and Harry, "Which house do you think you will be sorted in?

I joked, "Why, you can't wait to be the first Weasley to not be in Gryffindor?"

"Bloody hell, mate! Don't even say that as a joke! You might jinx me!" Ron panicked and yelled at me.

One of the twin said, "Just remember, you will be disowned if you're sorted somewhere else."

"So make sure to give it your all when you fight the troll during the sorting ceremony." Said by the other twin.

Harry asked, "Do we really have to fight a troll? I find it hard to believe. What school put their students in danger?"

I silently laugh, 'Hogwarts dude! Hogwarts is that school!' I gave them a suggestion, "When you find an opening, kick them in the balls."

""""SSSsss"""" The guys wince at my idea.

After we laugh, I just said, "I don't really mind which house as long as it's not Slytherin. I remember that blonde guy in Madam Malkin's and if the rest of the house is like him, I'm pretty much guarantee kicking 'balls' everyday."

Harry nodded in agreement but then he looks at me as of he wants me to confirm my preferred house. When I saw this I thought, 'Hayy, that's why I don't want to say my preferred house. This guy would probably follow me.'

Suddenly, Jolly appeared unannounced. He brought Naji, Tania and Bunta. The three immediately flew towards me. The owl and toad took their place in each of my shoulder while the fairy landed on my head.

"Sorry, young master. The owl, fairy and toad got impatient and pester Jolly... Jolly is sorry young master." My elf is distraught.

I immediately said, "That fine Jolly, don't beat yourself now. And you three, I thought you don't want to come because you're watching TV?"

"Hoo!""Croaak!"🔔"ting!"🔔. They all said that the cartoon just ended that's why they followed.

Ron look at me with envy. He said, "I can't believe you have permission to bring these guys. I just got Scabbers as my companion."

"Right mate, people will probably question you about them throughout the first week of school." I think Fred was the one who said it.

George(I think) added, "Yah, and if those gits eyed them, be sure to hear from thier parents. You already had a fight with that Malfoy kid. He'll probably get back at you. And your pets are easy targets."

When my three pets heard that. Naji and Bunta raised their heads and open their mouth. Tania raised both hands in the air.


The three simultaneously released a stream of flame that combined as one big burst of fire to the sky. It was like a dragon's breath.

I slap my face, 'Ugh, they're so cute!'

Harry and Ron laughed when they saw this. The twins got scared. They made a note not to mess with my pets.

Ginny, Luna, Percy and Molly came running in because of the sound. When they saw that we're fine, they had a sigh of relief.

The two girls came towards me and called out my pets. Molly came over as well and asked, "What was that noise? Are you two playing with fireworks again?!" She look at the twins.

The twins pointed at me and my pets. Molly realized my pets are here and had an idea what happened. This was not the first time the three threw a fit. She remember when the twins try to pluck one of Naji's feather and my owl tased the two.

Molly reminds me, "Marshall dear, do keep an eye on those three when they're at Hogwarts. You might have a license to keep them and permission from the headmaster but just one accident and they might be detained by the authorities."

"Don't worry aunt Molly, I'll keep that in mind." I replied. I also thought, 'Though I can't promise what would happen when stupid people are the ones finding trouble with my pets.'

Around 3:30 in the afternoon, Me and Harry decided to leave. We bid our farewell and made promise to meet on the train station on the 1st of Sept.

I had Jolly, apparate us back to my house in the living room. Harry still needs to get used to teleporting. He immediately sat on the couch and try to gather his bearing.

Nana was in the kitchen and I greeted her. She said, "Dear, the Modules from King's InterHigh just came in. Go check on them and see if everythings in order."

"Oh, it's here?!" I went to the dinner table to see stacks of modules for my secondary school learning. I check and all seems in order.

Harry walk closer and asked, "What's that, Marshall?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot to ask if you're interested. These are my modules for continuing my high school education. I'll be doing these while studying magic in Hogwarts." I explained. I made the application back in mid July.

"You're still going to do muggle schools? Why?" Harry was puzzled by my plan.

I said, "Well I plan to go to college so I need to go through high-school."

Harry again asked, "Why? You're not going to be a wizard?"

I explained, "I'm going to be a wizard and am planning to be a magic zoologist, that's my goal after Hogwarts. But I also dream to become a singer so that's why I want to enter a performing arts college."

Harry gave me a dumbfounded look. He thought, 'A goal and a dream? Aren't they the same thing?'

~end chapter ~