ch 53 Off-Script event 2

5th floor, Hogwarts Castle.

Dumbledore is staring at the partially visible stairs at the end of the corridor. He has a frown on his face out of frustration because someone ended going up to one of the Cursed Vaults of Hogwarts again.

"Albus!" Minerva appeared by his side, showing concern. There was no look of surprise on her face, as this was not the first time it happened.

The other heads of the house hurriedly arrived. They had a solemn look, seeing the stairs partially visible now and cold freezing air coming down from it.

The four house ghosts also appeared. Helena asked, "So the ice vault was opened again?! Who is the student it 'called' this time and from which year?"

Dumbledore took out four scrolls from his robe pocket and unrolled it. Everyone checked the names of the students. The names are written in glowing ink. If the students are not in school or in a place where the wards can't detect them, their names won't glow.

Snape looked over the list of Slytherin and saw names that were not glowing. They were Draco Malfoy, Vincent Crabbe, and Gregory Goyle.

"All Gryffindor are accounted for." said McGonagall with a sigh of relief.

"My Puffs are all here as well," confirmed Sprout.

Flitwick made a double check and finally said, "None of my eagles are missing."

The headmaster, the other teachers and house ghost all looked at Snape who sternly said, "I'm missing three first years: Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle."

The Bloody Baron reacted, "Oh my! Those names... pureblood families?"

Helena exclaimed, "Whether they are pureblood or muggle borne, they are all the responsibility of the school!" The Baron got scared being yelled at by her.

"Quiet down, you two. The most concerning thing here is that they are first years. We aren't even passed the first month of the school year, and they were able to enter the vault. I'm pretty sure they don't have any skill to survive the cold coming from it," Sir Nick stated a concerning fact.

The headmaster asked, "Filius, Pomona, have you thought the first years any fire spells by now?"

Flitwick shook his head and regrettably said, "Not yet, Albus."

Sprout confirmed, "I just taught the Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors this morning."

Dumbledore asked, "Anyone who showed exceptional skills?"

Sprout thought hard and said, "All the Hufflepuff were able to cast 'Incendio', but the most in control and stood out was Mr. Witcherly. He even helped his friends properly cast the spell."

"How about from my lions?" asked McGonagall. It might be her pride, but she can't easily believe her house's students are behind the badgers.

Sprout felt McGonagall stare but still said, "Ms. Patil was the only one who was able to cast it properly, but it was after Mr. Witcherly's help. Ms.Granger did cast it, but she lost control of her flame and Mr. Witcherly immediately canceled hers out by using 'Finite'.

Flitwick added, "Then, it's only Marshall who can help the three upstairs?"

Dumbledore became quiet. Thoughts run in his mind. The Flamels strictly said to ensure Marshall Witcherly has a happy time in Hogwarts and never bother the kid unless it's in an emergency. But this was an emergency, so he said, "Minerva, can you please fetch Mr. Witcherly. We don't have any choice."

McGonagall hesitated for a moment but still nodded. She apperated toward the Astronomy room.




-Marshall's POV-

"You don't seem to have a problem with apparating, Mr. Witcherly?" asked Professor McGonagall. We just appeared near the corridor where Dumbledore, the teachers, and the ghost were.

I explained, "Our fireplace is not connected to the Floo network. The Weasleys and Lovegoods often apperate me back and forth when I visit their homes." She just gave an understanding nod. It is obvious she was assessing me.

We approached the group at the end of the corridor. Everyone looked at me with concern and judgment.

Dumbledore welcomed me, "Mr. Witcherly, I would have wished we meet in better circumstances but we are pressed for time."

I nodded and looked and 'saw' a stair at the end of the corridor. It was shrouded in magic, making it invisible to others and somehow prevents me from sensing what's beyond it.

"So what's going on and what do you need me to do?" I asked with a solemn look.

Helena Ravenclaw began explaining, "You are looking at one of the secret Cursed Vaults of Hogwarts. This stairway leads to a door which emits an uncontrollable ice magic...."

Basically, the vaults hold an uncontrollable power and this one was opened again. They can't prevent students from stumbling to it, as there is a magic that removes every precautionary measures the faculty placed to block the entrance. More so, the vaults always find a way to 'call' someone from the students by leaving clues around the castle.

The one in front of me is the Cursed Ice Vault, which is the most accessible to any students in the school. The vault won't allow any teacher or adult to go near it. Even the ghost can't enter it. There is a rule that student from the same year as the person 'called' by the vault are the only ones that can go in there. So if a first year was 'called', only the first year students can come with him/her to explore, assist or rescue the person.

I began to understand the situation and asked, "So who was the first year that tried to open it?"

Snape answered in a stern monotonous tone, "Mr. Malfoy, Mr. Crabbe, and Mr. Goyle ... were not showing... in the castle's detection charm. So... one of them." I'm not surprised when he said there is a detection device to track the students' presence.

"Ok. So I just need to get in and bring those three back, right? Anything else I should expect in there. It's not the time to hold back information, people. " I said while taking out my wand ready to go in.

Some of them raised an eyebrow at how nonchalant I'm acting. It was like I was just asked to buy groceries in the local store.

The Bloody Baron added, "From the previous explorations, it was mentioned that there was a metal knight that guard the vault's door. So you have to be prepared for a fight..."

"And please make sure the door is closed shut before you leave. The cold magic is coming from the other side of it." said the Fat Friar.

Professor McGonagall stopped me from entering, "Wait! We haven't told you on what to do to endure the cold..."

I just smiled at her and said, "Thanks for your concern, Professor, but I got it covered."

Dumbledore asked, "Are you sure, young man?"

I smiled and said, "Yeah, the cold never bothered me anyway." I just walked forward and went up the stairs. I controlled the cold air around me and heat my body.

I find myself looking at a hall filled with ice and snow. Realizing it was better to not play around, I removed my enchanted bracelet that's hiding and restricting my real strength.

I found Draco's group, but four metal knights surrounded them. I immediately exclaimed, "Com'on! They said 'a' metal knight, not a group of them. Seriously!"

The knights immediately moved and brandished their great swords at me. Before they could get near me, they stumbled down on to the floor. I already cast a gravity field around me. Watching the knights who were trying to get up, I asked Siri…

Me: What are these things?

Siri: Mechanical knights.

Me: What or who is controlling them? And for what purpose?

Siri: They are controlled by the castle as a defensive measure, preventing anyone from reaching inside the vault.

'Huh? Is the castle preventing people from reaching the vault? So, that means that the one 'calling' the students in is something or someone else…' thoughts run in my mind finding that out.

I placed my palm on the floor and channelled my magic. I'm using alchemy to melt the stone floor so that the knights sink in. When the knights are no longer in sight, I return the floor back into its solid state.

I walked toward Draco's group. "Pfft.." I laughed when I saw the three hugging each other. Where is a camera when you need one?! I asked Siri...

Me:What is the status of these three?

Siri: Unconscious and suffering from severe hypothermia. Skin damage due to frostbite. Immediate assistance required!

I immediately used my space magic to shield them from the cold and thaw their bodies with a combination of warm light and light red flames.

They are still unconscious, but thankfully they are now out of the woods. I saw some skin damage due to frostbite, so I took a vial of my diluted Spring water. By water manipulation, I was able to send the water in their mouth and down their digestive track. Immediately, their cracked skin, lips, and fingers healed up.

After confirming with Siri that they were fine, I made my way to the large door at the end of the hall. I carefully inspected the damage, and it was pretty obvious that an explosion blasted it open.

I point my wand at the damaged part and cast, "Reparo!" I 'see' my magic trying to repair it but was met with resistance. Following the magic countering mine, my gaze was directed to the room on the other side.

🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶🎵 Faint sounds of wind chimes can be heard coming from my mindscape. So whatever it's in there, is trying to get inside my head. Good thing it's not strong enough to break Nana's shield.

I just left Draco and the other two where they were. They're still safe in the isolated space.

I just walked in the room beyond the door. There was not much in it. No gold or anything noteworthy. I just saw a massive chunk of crystal ice that was about 8ft tall.

The cold aura is obviously coming from it. It appears that the magic is concentrated at the center. I walked closer and reinforced my defense against the rapidly intensifying freezing temperature.

Looking at the center of the ice crystal, I have a clear view of what's inside. It was a slender finger. 'Eh? The vault is only for this one finger?'

I then sense a presence with me in the room.

"Congratulations, brave student, for reaching the vault of Ice!!" I looked at the blurry apparition appeared. I'm shocked and immediately took a battle stance.

"Don't be scared, young wizard. I meant you no harm," the apparition gently spoke. I constantly hear wind chimes.🎵🎶🎵🎶🎵

"You just need to melt the Ice Crystal with a simple flame spell... and touch the finger. You will hold immense magic once it's in your hand…!" The apparition is hurrying me to do follow her instruction. I hear wind chimes with every word spoken. 🎵🎶🎵🎵🎶

I just nonchalantly said, "Nah! It looks gross..."

The apparition came forward, and her image immediately became clear to me. She is glaring at me as if I made a capital offense. She yelled, "You dare call my finger, gross!!!"

I immediately recognized who she was. Her face resembles the actress who played her in the movies, Tilda Swinton. The apparition is dressed in a fur cape and an elegant long dress. She was none other than the White Witch, Jadis.

"Such insolence! Such ignorance! I'm giving you a chance to weild great power, and you're just disregarding it!" The White Witch berates me.

I smiled, looked at the finger and checked with Siri..

Me: What will happen to me when I touch this finger?

Siri:Your body will be drained of your life force and be taken over by the residual soul in the finger.

'I thought so.' It was basically a Horcrux.

Me: Is this finger something from this world?

Siri: No.

My guess was right. This finger came from another world.

Me: Am I able to destroy it?

Siri: You currently don't have any means to destroy the finger without it exploding in your face and unleashing eternal winter over all of Europe.

'Woah!.. Really!' Even with all my abilities, I can't destroy it. I pondered a bit and asked Siri...

Me: Can I purge the soul attached to the finger?

Siri: Yes.

I smiled then raised my hands toward the ice crystal.

"Yes! That's it! You finally realized what a great opportunity I'm offering you!" Janis exclaimed in celebration, seeing me finally trying to destroy the ice crystal. 🎶🎵🎶🎵

But her smile faded when she saw white flames coming out of my hand. Her apparition can feel that the white flame is dangerous for her. She yelled, "What is that flame?!?"

"Oh! This? It's a purification flame. It works well when you're trying to purge unwanted souls. You don't have it where you came from, Jadis?" I nonchalantly replied with a smile.

"You!? Who are you?!... Stop!! I command you to stop!" Jadis is shows fear all over her face and became hysterical.

I sent a steady stream of white flame to the finger. My flame didn't even melt the ice. It just directly went toward the finger. Immediately, a gray smoke came out from it.

"Stop! Please stop! I'll stop tempting the students to come here.... just please stop.... aaaaAaAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!" The apparition of The White Witch is slowly fading away until it disappears completely.

I didn't let my guard down. There is still gray smoke coming out of the finger. I still continued to engulf it in my white flame and asked Siri...

Me: What is the status of the soul in the finger?

Siri: The soul retreated and is trying to cover itself in the finger's magic to protect itself and hide from you.

'Ha! Nice try!' I intensify the purifying magic of my flame. I 'can' see the finger becoming duller and a moment later no more gray smoke is coming from the finger. I asked Siri...

Me:Status of the soul in the finger?

Siri: No existing soul is found in the finger.

Me: Is it safe for me to touch it now?


I immediately melted the crystal ice and grabbed the finger. Even without the soul, it is still emitting strong magic. I got curious and asked Siri again...

Me: What species is this finger from?

Siri: Half-giant and half-Jinn. Please note that the original owner came from a world with higher lifeforms and stronger magic, so it is not the same giant and jinn found in this world.

I nodded. It is in line with what I expected. I immediately took a large glass test tube big enough to contain the finger. And immediately open the entrance of my mindscape. White smoke appeared, accompanied by the smell of incense.

I levitated the test tube in the entrance and immediately went onto my mindscape.

I appeared near the Spring and quickly met with Grace and Jolly. My projection grabbed the test tube that just came in.

"Young Master! Do you have a request for Jolly?! Jolly is taking good care of the fisheries, orchards, and farms!!!!.." My elf immediately became excited with my unannounced appearance.

"Neigh!" Grace nudged me asking to be pet, which I immediately complied.

A moment later, Gavel and Reza also approached me. I'm used to seeing the three, as my dragon was always sleeping. Long explained that it was in his nature to sleep, but he reassured me that he will come if I called him.

"Jolly, Can you bring me one of the nicer bento boxes and some grasses and leaves." My elf immediately disappeared and reappeared with my requested items.

I opened the elegant black bento box and stuffed it with grass and leaves. Then, I placed the finger in the test tube at the center and closed it.

"Avatar Long!" I called out my dragon. Immediately, he appeared in his 'MUSHU-like' form and coiled around my neck.

"Gruuu.." Long asked me why I called him. He still looks sleepy.

I said, "Follow me to the edge of your territory." All of us immediately made our way to the ice capped mountainous area in Long's territory.

I willed a cave to appear on one of the peaks. I'm practically a god here, and can easily change parts of the environment.

I went into the cave and placed the bento at the center of the cave. I then asked Long, "Can you ensure that no one but me can get in this cave. Also add a detection warning just in case."

Long nodded and waved his two front paws like a conductor of an orchestra. The space became distorted and the entrance of the cave is no longer visible.

I nodded. Now I'm just like Nana, collecting dangerous artifacts that might endanger the world.

My physical body opened its eyes and I'm back in the room with the melted ice crystal. Without the finger, the cold, freezing magic in the surrounding is also gone.

I went back to the hall and closed the door. I cast 'Reparo' and it was fixed this time.

I called out Avatar Long and asked him to ensure that no one can reach the door. My dragon just distorted the space in front of the door. Now, no one can get in the vault to see what's inside.

Levitating the three Slytherin with my wand and have them follow me along the other end of the hall and down the stairs. I didn't forget to put my bracelet back on and have Long return into my mindscape.

The headmaster, teachers and ghost were surprised that I'm unscathed and to see Draco's group unharmed. We can even hear Crabbe and Goyle snoring.

I lazily said, "Here they are! Three Slytherin students safe and sound. I already closed the door of the vault and, as you can tell, no more freezing wind leaking. Is there anything else?"

Everyone had a dumbfounded expression on their faces.

~end chapter ~

Next Chapter will be on Monday. Happy weekend guys. .