ch 56 Hogwarts' menu

October 26, 1991, Saturday Black Lake 11:31 am


"Did you guys have fun in the lake? Remember, you can't explore the lake until Bunta properly master making the water bubble permanent, or else you guys will be in trouble down there." I reminded my pets as we exited the water and coming out of the water bubbles where they stayed in while underwater.

We just came from visiting the merpeople settlement. The chief, Llyr, welcomed us and gave a tour. I gifted them a dozen boxes of apples and some kelp jellybeans I made using the kelp-like plants in Long's area.

In exchange, they gifted me with some live freshwater pearl oysters. If I successfully cultivate the oysters, I might be able to set up a pearl farm in Reza or Gavel's area.

After changing into my school clothes, my pets and I walked from the greenhouse area back to the castle and went straight to the Great Hall for lunch.

In the Great Hall, my fellow first year Puffs are not yet here.

"Marshall, here!" Ron called me and I went to sit next to him and Harry and the rest of the Gryffindors.

Harry asked, "Where have you been this time, Marshall?"

I smiled and said, "I went to visit the Merpeople settlement."

Those who heard me had a surprised look. One of the twins asked, "What do they look like?" The other twin added, "Are there any beautiful mermaids wearing seashells?"

I shook my head and clarified, "Unfortunately, No. What you guys are.... eh..fantasizing... are the Sirens that live around Greece. The Black Lake has the Selkies. They have a more fish-like appearance."

The Gryffindors don't know whether I'm telling the truth or making things up. The twin asked at the same time, ""Can you take us?""

"Oh, Maybe next year. Let me get more acquainted with them. Also, try to master the Bubble charm and practice a bit of swimming first..." I said. The twins looked at each other and nodded.

Percy suddenly realized something, "Wait? Do you mean you can communicate with them? You speak Mermish?"

I just gave him a nod.

Out of nowhere, Hermione demanded, "Prove it! Speak something in Mermish."

I want to laugh, "Ok, but cover your ears first." They look at me like they heard some lame joke. How could they hear me speak Mermish if they covered their ears?

I had mastered my Angel's Tongue to the point that I can now speak the languages that I had encountered before.

Only Harry and the Weasleys followed my advice. I straightened my posture and spoke in Mermish...


The sound that came from my mouth resounded in the Hall and everyone covered their ears and showing a pained expression on their faces.

After I'm done, they looked at me and Hermione yelled, "What the bloody hell was that!"

With a shrug of my shoulders, I said, "Mermish... but that's how it will sound above water. If we were underwater, you'll understand what I just said was ----"

"Ehem! Mr. Witcherly, cursing and yelling profanities in the Great Hall is forbidden... even when you say them in Mermish. 5 pts from Hufflepuff." said Flitwick with an amused look.

I scratched my head and apologized in Gobbledegook, {"Sorry Professor, it won't happen again."}

Flitwick's eyes became wide, and he smirked, {"Oh, you speak Gobbledegook too. Fantastic, I haven't had a conversation with it for years now."}

{"Does that mean you will give me back the 5 pts, Professor?"}, I sheepishly asked.

Flitwick laughed, {"Ha! Not a chance. 5 pts don't even compare to how many points you had earned for Hufflepuffs. Why concern yourself? Hahahah"} He walked away still laughing.

Everyone was astonished by our interaction. Percy realized what happened and asked, "That was Gobbledegook, Right? I heard Bill practice it for a bit before he left for Egypt."

I nodded. Hermione immediately asked, "Are there a book for those languages!?"

Percy, who is knowledgeable, replied, "There are no published books on how to speak them. Bill only got to practice a few words and phrases in the manuals given by Gringotts Banks for their employees. For Mermish, it is only taught by someone who already knows it and half of the lessons are done while underwater..."

Percy added, "The people who can speak those languages are highly sought after by the Ministry, especially the departments that handle affairs and conflicts regarding the creatures that speak them...."

I actually don't mind flexing a bit regarding my language mastery. The word, Polyglot, exists in the dictionary and people are aware that I'm excelling in class, so I'm considered smart.

And besides, it is not like I'm the only one who has mastered multiple languages, even the ones spoken by magical beings. Miranda Goshawk and Albus Dumbledore were some of the noted individuals who learned various languages.

Hermione was fuming and staring daggers at me.

Suddenly, a note appeared on the table in front of me. I read it and smiled. I stood up and bid goodbye to the Gryffindors.

From the Great Hall, I walked to the kitchen area and stood at the portrait with the fruit bowl. I placed my fingers on the pear in the picture and started tickling it. It

The pear then giggled and turned into a large green door handle, revealing the entrance to the Hogwarts kitchens.

I had my hands on the handle and was going to turn it when someone called me from behind.

"Marshall, what are you doing?" asked Adeline. It was not only her, all the first year Puffs were looking at me. They appear to just come from our common room and on their way to the Great Hall.

I smiled and said, "I'm meeting the elves regarding the food menu. Wish me luck." Not waiting for a reply, I hurriedly entered the kitchen and closed the portrait.

Wigby was waiting for me by the entrance. He said, "As per your request, young master Witcherly. You can observe us on how we prepare the food, and I'll answer any questions you might have."

I nodded and started looking around the place. When I wanted to enter the kitchen and ask for the elves help for my barbecue party, Wigby stopped me at the fruit bowl portrait before I could even go in.

The kitchen area actually looks like the Great Hall above it. It has the long tables for the students and faculty, minus the seats.

Mounds of glittering brass pots and pans heaped around the stone walls, and a great brick fireplace at the other end.

There seems to be at least a hundred house elves cooking dishes and placing them on the tables and setting up plates and utensils. The dish then disappear and I 'see' them going to the Great Hall above. 'So that's how they deliver the food.'

I asked Wigby, "How do you procure the food ingredients? I can actually teach you new dishes based on the ingredients available. Do you buy them somewhere? I know the castle has a vegetable patch, but I'm pretty sure not all the veggies come from there. But how about your meats?…seasonings and spices? …fruits?"

Wigby got a headache hearing my questions and said, "Wait… Wigby is getting dizzy... Wigby will show you instead, just promise to not speak of it to anyone."

"Oh, sure,"I took my wand out and made a Wizard's Oath.

Seeing that I made the oath, Wigby led me to a pile of barrels and opened one of the lids. I can 'see' it has expanded space inside. He motioned me to follow him inside.

'Woah! It's like a village in here,' What I saw were make - shift houses for the elves and there were even a few small kids practicing magic.

Wigby led me to the center, where there is a stone statue of a lady who has a small silver bottle in her hand. As we approached, the statue moved and asked, "What ingredient do you need?"

I'm not shocked of a statue moving and talking, that's normal here in Hogwarts. I'm more surprised by the silver bottle.

I heard Wigby say, "a whole chicken". The statue tilted the silver bottle and a silver drop came out. The drop then turned into a whole raw chicken.

Wigby snapped his finger and levitated the chicken towards me and said, "This is an artifact that the founders left behind. It can only produce raw ingredients."

I focus my stare at the bottle and asked Siri...

ME: Is this bottle from this world?

Siri: No.

Me: Does it contain a soul?


Me:Who is the original owner?

Siri: Jadis of Charn

My hunch was correct, this was the bottle Jadis had, that can produce food.

Me:Does the world will affects it? To what degree.

Siri: Yes. The world's will is not allowing it to create infinite amount of food and complete dishes. The most it can produce is 500,000 kg of ingredients a day.

I asked the statue, "Rice, soy sauce, shimps, eggs, spring onions, olive oil, sesame oil, chili pepper, garlic powder, garlic."

The statue looked at me and then tilted the bottle. Drops of silver liquid came out, but it resulted in a pile of mess. The rice was splashed with oil and sauce, and the eggs cracked as it hit the floor. Some of my request were not given, like the soy sauce, garlic powder and spring onion.

'This will be tricky…'. I waited for an explanation, Wigby began to clarify to me the mechanics of the bottle.

Like for example, I asked for 'spring onion' but I should have said '1 kg of scallion leaves'. Basically, I need to be mindful of what I say and don't half-ass my food terms. I should treat this as a computer that requires specific command than a market.

Sugar, salt, pepper, milk, and flour can be requested but soy sauce, oils, cheese, and garlic powder were not allowed. For such processed ingredients, the elves make them from scratch and Wigby let me take a look at their warehouse that was under stasis charm.

They allot the time during the summer break to stock up on these ingredients.

'So that is where that rustic flavor came from,' I realized that I need to review what they have in their pantry and adjust the recipes.

Though 500,000 kg is a lot, it still has a limit, so I need to be meticulous about the new dishes I will add to the menu.

"Wigby, can you make a list of all the ingredients you have in your warehouse and the known command you're already use to make a request? Also, do you dry age your meats? How about pickles?....."

The head elf had his hands on his head.😫😫😫😩😩

Thus began my side job of improving the school's menu selection.

~end chapter ~

Next Chapter will be on Monday.

Halloween ark is next.