60. Quidditch

Nov 9 1991 Friday, 10:55 am, Quidditch Pitch

-Marshall's POV-


"Uhm… Wayne… Mate... you're eating popcorn. Why does it sound like you're chewing gravel?" I asked Wayne, who is sitting beside me.

Hopkins just shrugged his shoulder, indicating he doesn't know what I'm talking about.

The girls are giving him disgusted by his loud chewing, so I called him out.

Seeing him not giving a damn, I just shake my head and laughed.

I can laugh now, albeit occasionally. It's been more than a week since the troll incident and my weather tantrum at the lake.

No one bothered me. Though, my friends and the faculty looked a bit worried and wary of me last weekend. Especially Harry and Ron, who were walking on eggshells whenever they're with me.

But as the days went by, the troll incident got forgotten, as well as my little lake show. The classes kept me busy enough to take my mind off my frustrations.

Well… except when seeing Quirrell during his class. The guy looks worse than before, and he can no longer make sense during lessons.

I'm pretty sure that he over exerted himself when he caught 5 trolls. Yes, five. He still has one in his nab sac, which he then turned over to Snape and Hagrid to guard the safe.

Not sure how he explained his mishap to Dumbledore and Susan's aunt, Amelia Bones, but as he's still in school. So it must have been a very convincing story.

During the day, it seems everything returned to normal, but come at night, it is obvious that the school is on heighten alert.

Quirrell made several attempts to leave the castle but was always blocked by the four house heads.

I'm mostly always tracking him, just in case he manages to go to the Forbidden Forest.

For now, Quirrell is in the stand, along with the rest of the faculty and some students.

My pets are with the unicorns. I already gave them a heads-up to be alert and protect the herd.

If Quirrell ever want to go to the forest, today's Quidditch Match is the perfect opportunity to slip away unnoticed.

Back to the Quidditch Pitch,

"Who do you think will win, Marshall?" Ernie asked me.

"Hmmm… Hard to say since Quidditch is a contact sport and the imbalance brought by the golden snitch make predicting how the game will end nearly impossible …" I gave my 'honest' opinion, "But I think Gryffindors will win this one."


Wayne cut in, "Because of Harry?"

I smile and said, "Well, there's such a thing as beginner's luck."

My fellow Puffs just chuckled.

Out of nowhere, we heard someone said, "You're not even considering that we might win?"

We all looked over to see Tracy, Daphne, and Millicent walking towards us. I joked, "What can I say. Your team is all dudes, not much to look at."

Adeline laughed, "Aha! Which one do you like Katie, Angelina or Alicia?"

Everyone got surprised by the question and waited for me to answer. Especially Millicent.

"Eh....." I kind of slipped. Quickly avoiding the question, I asked Tracy's group, "Why are you three here? Shouldn't you be with Pansy and the other Slytherins?"

"Tsk! Almost had him," Adeline mumbled. The rest just laughed.

Tracy gave me a weird look but still answered, "For snacks, of course! We saw you eating all the way from where we were." She reached out her hands to me.

I just chuckled and reach down my pouch, "What do you like? I have popcorn, chips and salted pretzels. The drinks are the usuals."

"Two popcorn and pretzels, please." said Tracy.

The three Slytherins sat in front of us and took their snacks. They just grabbed their preferred drink in my cooler on my side.

Just in time, we heard the announcer, Lee Jordan's voice, "Hello, and welcome to Hogwarts' first Quidditch game of the season! Today's game, Slytherin versus Gryffindor!!!"

The crowd cheers ~


We saw the players of both teams come out. They mount their brooms and zoom out onto the enormous pitch. 

When I saw how small Harry was compared to the others, I can't help comment out loud, "Potter really need to eat more."

All of those who heard me wasn't sure how to react. 'Are you his mom?'

The players took their positions as Madam Hooch steps out onto the field to begin the game. She reminded them of the rules, sternly looking at the Slytherins in particular.

Madam Hooch then kicks the trunk, and the bludgers zoom out.

Lee quickly announced, " The bludgers are up...followed by the Golden Snitch. Remember, the snitch is worth 150 points. The seeker who catches the Snitch ends the game."

Hooch grabs the Quaffle toss it up in the air…and the game begins!




-Third-person POV-

As the match began, the Gryffindors quickly scored 20 pts courtesy of their three fierce chasers, Katie Bell, Alicia Spinnet and Angelina Johnson.

Oliver Woods also showed his strength in keeping the Slytherins from scoring.

The Slytherins decide to get messy. They dodge, kick, and try to score. But still can't get passed Woods' defense.

Frustrated, Marcus Flint grabs a beaters bat and whacks a bludger right at Oliver. It hits Oliver in the stomach, and he falls to the ground.


The crowd booed, seeing the dirty play.

The Slytherin members head off. One jumps over George (or Fred) and scores. Slytherin cheers.

The muggle borns were dumbfounded by how violent Quidditch was. Naomi asked, "That's obviously a foul, right?"

Ernie answers her, "Uhm, it's still allowed as Oliver's was hit by a bludger. Guys, get used to it as you'll see more of such incidents, especially with Slytherins playing."

"It's all part of the sport," Daphne nonchalantly explained while eyeing Ernie.

Seeing their tension, Marshall decided to intervene, "Naomi, just think of it like American Football. As long as the ref doesn't calls it, then it's not a foul."

Naomi thought about it and nodded.

Kevin asked, "Is that why you didn't want to play, Marshall? You don't like playing dirty? Or get hit?"

Everyone looked at Witcherly and remembered that he was also invited to play for the Hufflepuff team. Marshall laughed, "No, the opposite. I'm afraid that I won't be able to stop myself from playing... uhm... creatively... or hitting someone who irritated me."

All of them looked and imagined Witcherly playing. They quickly remembered the times some Slytherins would find trouble with him and how they ended up.

Some of the things that happened to the offenders were still unexplained, but they all agreed that it was Marshall who did it.

Their conversation was interrupted by the Lee Jordan's announcement, "Slytherins boxing Johnson in…. Oh!

and sent her into the capes covering one of the towers… She falls down in and is out…."

The crowd boos. Slytherin scores once again.

They saw Harry finally made a move and started chasing the snitch. He starts to head off after it, but then his broom suddenly started bucking and turning.

Susan exclaimed, "What's happening to Harry?"

Marshall frowned. He already knew what will happen and turned to look at where Ron and Hermione were.

As he expected, Hermione made her way to the stand where the faculty were seated. She stealthily went near Snape and set him on fire.

There was a commotion as Snape tried to put out the fire.

Unfortunately, Quirrell was not near him and was hiding at the far end, corner, still continuing his chanting while looking at Potter.

Harry began to feel disoriented and his grip on his broom starts to slip. He finds himself dangling with one arm holding his broom.

Seeing that the scene was not following the original story, Marshall took action.

Marshall clapped his hands and dusted off the powder bits sticking to his fingers from eating popcorn.

There was nothing out of the ordinary with his action, but a sudden gust of wind passed by him.

The wind carrying the powder bits unnoticeably made its way into Quirrell and went in his eyes.

"Agh!" Quirrell lost focus and tried to clear the thing that went to his eyes. But his eyes still sting a bit, and he had a hard time opening them.

Without Quirrell hexing, Harry regains control of his Nimbus and quickly chases the Slytherin's seeker.

Harry rams the Slytherin Seeker, then is butted out. He returns, smashing the Seeker again as the Snitch dives. The boys follow, but they approach the ground quickly.

The Slytherin Seeker backs out, and Harry pulls up his broom as he follows the Snitch, feet above the ground. 

Harry stands up, and steps forward, trying to grab the snitch. He goes too far, and topples off the broom with a yelp, tumbling on the ground.


The crowd grasp. Harry gets up and lurches.

Seeing his body movement, Adeline worried, "Is he going to hurl?"

Marshall just said, "He just ate something.."

Harry lurches, and the Snitch pops out of his mouth. It lands in his hands.

Realizing what's in Harry's hand, Lee Jordan excitedly announced, "It's the Snitch! Harry Potter got the Snitch!! Harry Potter receives 150 points for catching the Snitch!"

Madam Hooch blows his whistle, 🎵📣" GRYFFINDOR WINS!!!!"

 Harry raises the Snitch into the air and the crowd, and his team, cheers.

Applause and cheers resounded around the pitch. Gryffindors were chanting, while Slytherins were scornful and booed.

Marshall looked at Harry and confirmed he is alright. He then turned his attention to where Quirrell was, and as expected, the guy was quickly making his way down the stand.




Deep in the Forbidden Forest, Quirrell appeared walking briskly. There was a sense of urgency in his eyes.

He took out his wand, points at the ground and cast, "Appare Vestigium" while making a 360 spin where he stands.

Golden dust flew out in every direction. As the dust blew over to the surrounding area, phantoms of magical beasts started to appear.

A moment later, an illusory image of a herd of unicorns passed by accompanied by a female centaur heading northeast.

Quirrell's brow furrows, seeing this. Dealing with a herd is troublesome enough, now he needs to look out for the centaurs as well.

The spell began to wane and the golden dust disappeared. Seeing no other unicorn passed by, he decides to pursue the herd.

He made his way toward the northeast of the forest and stumbled upon a clearing. Quirrell cautiously scanned the surroundings. This area is very near where the Centaurs live.

With no other choice, he cast a Disillusionment Charm onto himself and walked toward the clearing.

Coincidentally, the unicorn herd is also passing by. Unfortunately, the female centaur was still with them.

Nevertheless, Quirrell points his wand at the herd, thinking, 'I just need one good hit and the rest will probably panic and run away.'

"Sectumsempra!" yelled Quirrell with a slash of his wand. A green light flashed and made its way to the herd.


The green light was blocked by a pale yellow transparent shield.


The herd panicked but still huddled together. The stallion quickly approached the shield but didn't pursue the attacker.

The female centaur clasps her hands and blew air into it. A horn-like sound came out of her hands that reverberate throughout the forest.

A few moments later, a loud galloping sound thundered from a distance. The centaur scouts were approaching.

Quirrell panicked and immediately apparate himself away. His body covered by black smoke.

His smoky apparition was seen by the female centaur and the scouts who just arrived at the scene.




As the centaur scouts approached Nephele and the unicorn herd, they saw a dark figure covered with smoke fly off.

Ronan asked, "Nephele, what happened?"

"Someone tried to attack the unicorns. Thankfully, the fairy shielded them in time," said Nephele.

The centaurs looked at the herd, and there was a small yellow fairy with red wings on top of the Stallion's head.

A moment later, the huge owl and toad landed on the ground and inquire what happened.

"Hoo!" The owl quickly flew up to the direction of the castle.

🔔"Ting! Ting!"🔔

The fairy said that the owl will call their 'father' over.

The centaurs waited while guarding the herd for any possible attack.

A moment later, they saw the owl carrying Marshall Witcherly with its talons. The kid was holding on to a branch that the owl is grasping.

Marshall landed and quickly asked, "Naji said that something attacked the unicorns?"

Nephele nodded and said, "Yes, but Tania blocked the attacked. From what I saw, it was a spell. We didn't see clearly who it was, but it was surely a wizard."

Marshall furrowed his brows, "Are there poachers around here?"

Ronan shook his head, "No, we were patrolling the area every day, and we didn't encounter anyone going into the forest except for you, Hagrid and that Professor who has a mechanical arm "

"Hmmm… Then what will the herd do now? Do they need to move somewhere else? Can they stay near your tribe?" asked Marshall.

The centaurs were going to agree with my last suggestion, but the Unicorn Stallion approached Marshall and nudged the boy with its long face.

"Brr..Neighh!" The Stallion said that its instinct tells it that they will be more safe with Witcherly.

Nephele, Ronan and the rest of the scouts were perplexed by this. They looked at Marshall, waiting for an explanation.

Marshall scratched his head and said, "I do have a place for the herd to stay, and I can guarantee they will be safe but…"

He then looked at the centaurs and continued, "... it involves one of my deepest secrets. Sorry, but I can't explain and show it to you, guys. It will just be between me and the unicorn herd."

The centaurs discussed among themselves. Nephele sighed and said, "The herd was never ours to keep. It is their judgment to follow you, and we will respect their decision."

Marshall was shocked at how easy they agreed. To reinforce their trust, he took out his wand and made a Wizard's Oath to keep the herd safe.

The centaurs looked pleased seeing me make an oath.

Nephele went around the herd saying goodbye. Afterward, the centaurs left the clearing.

Marshall 'sensed' his surroundings and made sure that it was only him, his pets and the unicorn herd in the clearing.

He waved his hands and the surrounding space distorted for a moment. Marshall isolated the space where they were.

He smiled and looked at the herd and asked, "Are you guys sure? You will be away for almost a year from here?"

All the herd nodded.

Seeing they agreed, Marshall motioned his hand, cutting and opening into his mindscape.

A vertical portal opened, and white smoke came out. The strong smell of incense spread around.

A figure came out of the portal. It was a beautiful unicorn with a crystal horn.

The herd was surprised. They can't believe such a majestic creature exists.

"Neighhhh!" The unique unicorn greeted them, and it made its way to Marshall and playfully nudges him.

The boy petted the unicorn and introduce her to the herd, "Everyone, this is my bonded friend, Grace Park, my Crystal Unicorn. You will be staying in her territory until the problem here settle down. You just need to enter the smoky portal."

Grace guided the herd in and my three pets followed them to ensure the herd felt at ease.

The small golden foal bumped its head on my stomach and asked if there are foods in there.

I laughed and replied, "Yes, that's where I keep my good stuff."

The foal hopped around and quickly dashes in the portal. Marshall can still hear it yelling, 'Food!'

Once the herd passed the portal, Witcherly closed it.

Marshall's body began to be engulfed in white flame as he teleported back to the castle.

~end chapter ~