ch 72 New acquaintance and inevitable parting

December 28, 1991, Saturday, 4:02 pm Witcherly Residence

-Marshall's POV-

"Who's the friends that's coming with the Fleming and Lovegoods?" I asked while vigorously whisking the egg white for my pavlova.

Nana sipped her tea and said, "A known wizard family that they met throughout the years."

Pausing, I sighed, "I meant their specific names, Nana. I don't want to be 'too' surprised."

"You know, Dear. Coffee is not really good for kids. Look at you,... so agitated." She said playfully.

I have enough Famous Wizards around me already. Uncle Merlin just sent me a letter of the update becoming his heir.

The goblins haven't announced it, as the announcement should be simultaneously coordinated throughout the entire wizardry world.

Uncle Merlin said that it will be around March.

From the last phone call by Uncle Nick, they will be back from Paris this afternoon and will be bringing some of their family friends.

Hence, I'm full on chef mode and preparing dinner.

I don't mind the work, but Nick and Nana are being secretive on whom were the new guests which stresses me out. The only thing I'm sure of ... is that they are famous.

A moment later, I felt a small group of people apparated in our backyard.

*Knock! *Knock!

"Just come in. The door is open, Penny." Nana yelled out.

Penny and Nick were the first to enter. Followed by the Lovegood couple.

Pandora waved at me, "Long time no see, Marshall." She pulled her husband who has a knitted brow which puzzled me.

But a second later, I found the reason. The ten-year-old Luna came in, pulling the hand of a teenage boy with a silly smile.

When the boy looked my way, I was perplexed. Thoughts run in my mind.

The boy has the face of a very young Eddie Redmayne- the actor that played Newt Scamander.

'Eh? A young Newt? How?'

Luna approached me while pulling the boy's hand, "Marshall, meet Rolf Scamander. Newt Scamander's grandson."

"Oh…" Realization hit me, I quickly wiped my hand and reached out for a handshake.

Rolf shake my hand and said, "So you're the kid who's following Grandpa's footsteps."

I smiled, "Not really… I'm very picky with by pets, and my suitcase has more food than beast."

When the rest of the group entered and greeted Nana, an elderly couple followed behind Rolf.

I recognized the woman, an elegant elderly version of Porpentina Goldstein Scamander. She has her arms linked with a burly old man with broad shoulder and messy wavy hair.

'Ah… is that Newt?' I find it difficult to imagine. The Newt in front of me looks like an old, white haired Sylvester Stallone.

"Marshall, right?" Stallo-... Scamander asked.

After a handshake and greetings, Newt looked around, "So where are those pets I have been hearing about, Lad?"

"Naji, Tania, Bunta, Uno...!!" I yelled out.

There were sounds of hooves and animal sound coming from the direction of the guess room.

"Hoo!" 🔔"Ting!"🔔 "Croaakk!" "Neighh!"

The four little ones line up. Luna was the first to reach out to them but paused when she saw Uno, the unicorn foal.

She just hugged the foal and brushed its hair.

Newt approached the other three and closely observe them. He keeps mumbling to himself, "Fascinating..."

Penny observed the unicorn and turned to me, "This little one is not covered by your XXX license. Do you need us to apply for your upgrade your clearance?"

"Thanks, Aunt Penny. But the application was already sent by…" I choose my words since there were outsiders among us, "... My Uncle..."

Nick scoffed a bit, "You really accepted being his heir, huh? I'm telling you now, you'll be swarmed by those troublesome politicians… Ouch!… amour, laisse un peu de dignité." (Fr. Love, leave some dignity.)

"Pas devant des étrangers... Nous en reparlerons plus tard." Penny pinched her husband and warned him. (Fr. Not in front of outsiders… We'll talk about it later.)


Rolf took out an old style folding camera and just took a picture of my pets, "This will make a great article for the Daily Prophet. The Editor might even give it the front page..."

I frowned when I saw it, "Rolf was it? What are you doing?"

Rolf turned around with a silly smile and said, "Oh, your pets had been a hot topic around our office. I finally obtain a picture, the editor will be…."

His grandmother, Tina, nudged his shoulder and said, "Rolf Dear... You're being rude. You haven't asked for Marshall's permission."

"Eh?..." Rolf was puzzled and looked at me, "You don't mind, right, "

"Actually, I do mind. So please erase that picture.." I sternly said.

Rolf whined, "But why? They already roam around Hogwarts and the students had seen them. What's the big deal?"

"No.. Means.. No.." As I speak, the lights started flickering.

"Oh? Marshall is mad…" Luna said softly while still hugging Uno.

Nana sighed. She walked in front of me and ruffled my hair, "Calm down, Dear."

"Huff... Sorry, Nana.." I said.

Newt, who had been quiet for a while, looked at Nick and Penny. The couple gave him a stern look and lightly shake their head.

*cough* "Sorry about my Grandson, Marshall," Newt straightened his back and took the camera from Rolf and pulled out the large format film and gave it to me.

"Thanks Sir. I just don't want to attract too much attention to my pets that might temp some people with ill intentions." I explained.

It might seem I'm being overprotective, but you never know what crazy people might take interest in my unique pets.

I'm confident in keeping them safe, but that doesn't mean I want to paint a bullseye on them.

That's why I didn't attempt to bring back the Crumple-Horned Snorkack for Luna with my Spring Water.

My Spring Water can purify the bloodline of animals and bring out their sleeping ancestry.

When I met Luna, I remember the rabbit that has the Crumple-Horned Snorkack bloodline.

It might take a long time, but it is possible.

To be honest, I was tempted to give it a try, but I'm afraid the 'world' will again send me 'requests' to bring back an extinct beast.

If Luna or even the Lovegoods has something like the Snorkack, I'm pretty sure they will just be in danger.

With the film in my hand, I finally felt at ease, but I saw Rolf frowning at me. 'Eh? The lolicon has a bit of an attitude.'




5:40 pm Hogwarts, Great Hall

In the Great Hall, some of the students who had chosen to remain in school during the Holidays, were waiting for dinner.

To pass the time, Ron and Harry are playing Wizard's Chess by the fireplace.

"Queen to g6, checkmate! You're not even putting any resistance, Harry." Ron complained, as he can see that Harry's mind is thinking of something else.

Harry sighed, "Sorry, I'm just… "

"You're still thinking about that mirror. I know you really want to see your parents, but that mirror is really creepy, mate." said Ron as he clean up the board.

"I know, the Headmaster already warned me…" Potter was dispirited recalling his meeting with Dumbledore last night.

Harry find himself looking at the faculty table, where some teachers are talking. He noticed Snape and he recalled how the man was threatening Quirrell during the Christmas night.

'Something is really wrong with Snape,' Harry thought. Then he turned to Ron and said, "We really need to find out who Nicholas Flamel is."

Ron just rolled his eyes, "That again, mate, we looked everywhere in the library and still didn't find anything. Let's just wait for Hermione to come back… or… we could ask the teachers … or even Marshall."

Shaking his head in disapproval, Harry said, "No, the fewer people who know that we are looking for any information about Flamel, the better. And do you really want to be question by Marshall why we are asking?"

Weasley just shivered thinking how Witcherly will react when they tell him about the three-headed dog and their near-death experience.




Somewhere in Hogwarts...

"Gulp..gulp.. ahh!" Quirrell drank a vial of unicorn blood. It quickly alleviated the pain he is experiencing with his body.

However, his momentary relief change to a feeling of dread as he's realizing that his intake becomes more frequent. It only means that the unicorn blood is loosing its effectiveness.

He looked at the ten remaining vials and quickly felt a sense of urgency. "Why is Mundungus not yet replying? How hard could it be to smuggle a dragon egg?!"

"Phaathe..tic.." a voice behind Quirrell spoke, "Ttsry to .. ss.. see.. wherehh the.. half-giantsss frequently svisits...,"

That is when Quirrell realized, even with the dragon egg, Hagrid will not easily give away the secret on how to handle the Cerberus. He quickly said, "Y-yes, My Lord."




6:45 pm, Witcherly Residence

- Marshall's POV-

"Here Luna..." I handed her a test tube full of golden hair while we started having our dinner.

Luna look what's inside and said, "Golden Hair? Are these from Uno?"

I nodded, "These are hairs the unicorn herd willingly gave to me, including those from Uno. Next year, when you're going to Ollivanders, try to get a custom-made wand from him."

She nodded but looked at me, "Is this my Christmas present?"

"Hah.. of course not. This is your Christmas present..." I handed her an envelope and watch her open it.

"What's this?" Luna was puzzled to see two pieces of cards inside. She read ...


Gift Card: 20 Galleons

Redeemable in Ollivanders

Courtesy of Marshall Witcherly


Gift Card: 20 Galleons

Redeemable in Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions

Courtesy of Marshall Witcherly


Pandora leaned over to see what's written on the cards and was surprised. She looked at me for a moment, then asked, "Did you also give the same gift to Ginny, Marshall?"

With a nod, I said, "Yes Aunt Pandora. And I know what you're going to say,.. But I already considered it… That's why I only have gift cards for Ollivanders and Madam Malkin's. I held back."

"But still…" Pandora has a troubled look.

Seeing her hesitation, I quickly said, "Please don't feel burdened. I treat Luna and Ginny as my little sisters… and besides it's a combination of my Christmas/Birthday/Hogwarts gift to them."

Nana smiled, "Just let the kid be… He already went overboard with the gifts he gave his fellow first years."

"Oh? What did he give them?" asked Penny.

"Pouches with Expanded Space… for every First years." Nana smugly announced.

Newt's interest was piqued, "Oh? Pouches… pouches… which craftsman did you commission?"

I remained silent, hearing the question. 'Will I look bragging if I say that I, personally, made them?'

Nick stares at me and noticed my silence. He thought of something and asked, "Did you personally made all those enchanted pouches, Kid?"

"Eh… Yes. I applied the things I learned from Aunt Penny." I said with a guilty smile.

Letting out a sigh, Nick scrunched his nose, "Dora, you didn't stop him. He's putting too much attention on himself."

"Oh pipe down your whining, you old bloke.." Nana argued, "Don't apply your low-key lifestyle to my grandson."

"But still…" Nick wanted to say more but was glared at by his wife. There were still others around. Better talk about sensitive topics for later.

There was a moment of silence at the table. The Lovegoods and Scamanders were having a hard time keeping up with our conversation.

But the silence was broken by the innocent Luna, who said, "Do we get pouches as well?"

Seeing her expectant look, I quickly said, "I'll make one for both of you and Ginny before you two enter school next year. For the mean time, you can draw the design of the pouch you want. Don't hold back… let your imagination go wild."

"Really?... " Luna let out a smile.

The adults looked at me with mix expression.

Rolf, who was silently listening and observing, kept staring at me.

From what I heard from the Lovegoods, Rolf is currently aiming to be a Magic Zoologist like his grandfather, but after he graduated from Hogwarts last year, he took an apprenticeship at the Daily Prophet and inclined to be a correspondent for anything related to magical creatures.

At this point, I'm really annoyed by this lolicon so I stared back at him and asked Siri…

Me: What is this guy thinking?

Siri: He's contemplating on how he would describe you on the article he will submit to his editor...

'Oh? How ballsy…' With a smirked, I said, "What are you looking at, Rolf. I hope you're not thinking of writing an article about me for the Daily Prophet without my consent."

The lolicon flinched, and the adults look at him. Rolf quickly denied what I said, "Of course not."

Stabbing my fork to my spaghetti, I chuckled, "I hope not."




9:02 pm , Witcherly Residence

After dinner, the Lovegoods went home, as well as the Scamanders to their residence in Dorset.

Nick and Penny stayed behind to talk to me and Nana.

"Kid, why are you so hellbent of standing out too much?" Nick stared at after sipping his tea.

I rolled my eyes, "It was never my intention to stand out, I'm just living my life as usual. It just so happens that my way of living is apparently too eye - catching to most people.""

He smirked, "You still have the gall to say that?"

At this moment, Nana cuts in, "Oh please, you're one to talk. Leave my grandson be. He has enough strength to live his life the way he wants. And with me and Merlin backing him up, he is guaranteed to be safe."

Penny put down her tea and showed a concern look, "But Dora, he's still a kid that's still attending school."

Nana smiled, "You said it yourself. He is still a kid, and it is his right to live his life carefree. As his elder, it's my job to shield him from harm…"

"Uhm… Nana." I called her out as I feel that she lets some sensitive information slip.

She reassured me, "Don't worry, Dear. I know what I can and can't say."

The Flamels raised an eyebrow, hearing that.

They wanted to inquire further but Nana asked them, "And you two, aren't you already overstayed in Devon, your pursuers are already searching for the two of you all over Britain."

The couple's faces had a somber expression.

It has been a little over four years since their stay in Devon. With Nana's protection, they were able to live a carefree life here and still be under the radar.

Occasional visits to other countries helped hide their trail, but as Nick had shown his face in Diagon Alley last summer, it gave their pursuers an inkling to focus their search in Britain.

At this point, It is just a matter of time until they are found out, so they really need to relocate.

Penny looked at me with a sad face. Nick placed his hand over hers to comfort his wife.

This was not the first time they need to part ways to a place they had grown fond of, but each goodbye really does take a toll on their aged hearts.

~end chapter~