Robin, the next day, finally gets the courage to check his phone.

He has been avoiding it, because he's positive that Jude has tried to contact him since the incident, and he really isn't prepared to deal with it.

Except... when Robin opens his messages, he finds nothing. Well, there's a text from Margo checking on him, and one from Kat notifying him that she's out with her friend and will be home later.

However, he doesn't find a single message from Jude.

That is weird, to say the least.

Robin immediately feels extremely concerned. Like, it's unreal how wrong this feels. He's actually supposed to be at work right now, but Margo had given him the next week off so he can... adjust. So, he's sitting alone on the floor of his bathroom at 8 pm. He is unsure why, but bathrooms have always felt safe to him. So, due to the nerves of checking his phone, he'd locked himself in here.