Jamie really does look a lot like Miles, and to say it throws Robin for a loop would be an understatement. Same dark hair, same green eyes, the only difference is the fact that he's smaller. He's still slightly taller than Kat, but Robin is caught off guard by the fact that this guy is definitely an omega. Like, 100%. Why does Robin know this?

Jamie isn't taking scent suppressants.

Well, Robin supposes, he probably doesn't have a lot to worry about. What with the rich family and scary brother—assuming Miles treats him better than he did Robin—he has more than enough protection.

Still, Robin dislikes how similar this guy is to Miles. He immediately has his guard up.

"Robin!" Kat cheers, rushing forward to hug him. He smiles and reciprocates the embrace, but he can't ignore his nerves. He doesn't like dealing with this on his own, so if Jude could get out here already that would be amazing.