Salem can't stop shaking.

He hasn't left his room since Wednesday, when he eavesdropped on a conversation he was clearly not meant to hear for a long time. It's been three days, and Salem has hardly done anything. He has barely eaten, or left his bed generally. He's had, like, eight showers—futile attempts to clear his head—and he hasn't taken his medicine at all.

A lot of things are beginning to make sense, though. The secrecy of Jack and Atlas are the main things. Jack most likely didn't tell him out of concern for his mental health and safety. Atlas probably didn't tell him because of who their parents are.

Still, Salem can't help the feeling of betrayal. He feels as though, at the very least, they should have come clean about it when the two broke up. Salem deserved to know anyway, but that knowledge would have given him a lot of peace of mind.