The diner isn't nearly as busy as it usually is, which is probably due to the fact that they're meeting right before the dinner rush.

When Salem arrives, Jordan is already there. He's sitting in a booth in the corner, on the side that's facing the restaurant. He has on an ACPD hoodie, which he's clearly using to cover his uniform. He either just got off work, or is taking his lunch break. He already has a cup of water in front of him, and Salem walks directly to the table.

He takes a seat across from Jordan, who glances up at his presence. He sits up straighter, and Salem notices that he didn't bring any files or anything with him. Salem is curious about what he wants to talk about, especially away from Catrine. What could they possibly have to discuss that Catrine can't know?

Jordan greets him with a question every teenager has heard a billion times. "How was school?"

Salem just stares at him, unimpressed. "Great."