It's after Salem gets off work, Sunday night, when he's met with another confrontation. Leaned against Salem's Camaro is yet another Di Angelo brother, one Salem can recognize all too well.

This is a bit more expected than Remi ambushing him at the cafe, however. Salem expected a talk with Atlas soon. It's most likely about the rumor, and Salem is not looking forward to it. He was hoping Atlas wouldn't acknowledge it, treat it like what it is. A ploy for attention and views. A lie.

The coworker Salem had been walking with quickly says her goodbyes, she also goes to his school so she's probably well aware of Atlas' reputation. Salem isn't surprised at her hasty exit.

Salem grows closer to his car, steps a bit more hesitant now. Atlas doesn't look at him until he's much closer. There is no discernible expression on his face, at least not one Salem can pinpoint, but he's clearly not happy.