"Remington," Salem hisses, pure disbelief in his tone. Remi bursts into laughter, standing up to greet his brother. Salem just sits there in anticipation, unsure how to act right now. What is he even supposed to do? Should he run? Should he stay? Should he finally ask Atlas all the questions that have been plaguing him?

Salem watches Remi walk past him, and after a moment he finally gains the courage to look again. When he does, he finds the two of them speaking. It almost seems like an argument, but Remi doesn't appear to be taking it seriously enough for that. Then again, Salem gets the sense that he doesn't take anything seriously.

Atlas looks pissed, which again, isn't particularly out of the ordinary. He keeps glancing at Salem, looking deeply stressed. When the two accidentally make eye contact, Salem whips back around so he's facing forward. Immediately, he's interrogating Luca.