"Why are you still here?" Atlas asks in pure confusion, but Salem is too focused on checking him over, then trying to find the first aid kit he'd seen in passing the last time he was here. He thinks it may have been in the bathroom, so he starts looking in there.

"Salem? Were you crying?"

"I was talking to your mom. Where's— oh, never mind. I found it."

Salem grabs the first aid kit from under the seat, then walks back over to Atlas, who is unfortunately not sitting in the chair that Salem had placed for him while he was checking him over. After a minute he just nudges Atlas so he'll get the hint. Begrudgingly, he does finally take a seat.

"What did she tell you?" Atlas asks warily. Salem sighs.

"A lot."

Salem starts setting out the first aid supplies so he can get to work. Thankfully Atlas isn't stopping him or anything, but that's probably at least partially due to the fact that Salem's upset with him. For good reason, too.