"You seem different today." Donovan remarks from his seat across the booth, staring at Salem with a raised eyebrow. Salem had previously been zoned out at the table, but he looks up when he hears his partner's words. Expression confused, he replies;


They aren't at Tally's this time. Half the time when they go there, the owner gives them their meals for free—in part because she knows Salem, but also as some sort of thank you for their jobs. Salem appreciates it, he guesses, but he doesn't like it when people feel like they owe him something. He wasn't in the mood to deal with that toss-up today, so instead he and his partner are at a different diner. This one is in a worse part of town, but still just as delicious.

"I don't know," Donovan says, frowning in thought. "You just haven't snapped at me about anything, yet."