No. No, no, no, no— this can't be happening. There's no way. Salem refuses to believe it. That is not who he thinks it is, despite the fact that everything adds up. Sure, he may have the same build, and similar clothing choices. He may be the same height, might have similar tattoos and piercings and such.

Salem can't be right, though. He just can't be. Salem must be losing his mind, or maybe it's wishful thinking. Salem refuses to believe it's anything else. It has to be because the guy has been on his mind so much lately, due to recent events. That's all it is!

Still, Salem would never forgive himself if he didn't make sure.

Slowly, he turns around. He maintains distance, continuing to stand about twenty feet away from the guy. His secretary girl is no longer next to him. She's standing off to the side, writing things in her notebook. She has glasses on now, but otherwise looks the same.