Salem hasn't really had to deal with something like this, yet. He and Donovan are still basically rookies, so they usually just handle the smaller, more boring things. This is going to be the first truly dangerous call they've had. Salem can't help but to feel nervous, as does Donny. He's still not voicing anything, clearly irritated with Salem for not being truthful. Still, the car is full of nervous energy. Salem is recalling all of his training the entire way there, trying to be ready for anything.

He prays it will be over fast. He's good at fighting and disarming. He's really hoping those qualities don't fail him now.

Salem isn't sure what exactly he expected, maybe a hostage situation? He definitely thought it would take place in an establishment. It's a shooting, which means that it is more than likely at a business or at the very least, a public area.