Remi stays true to his word, giving the device to Atlas, who passes it on to Salem the next day. Salem doesn't really want to plan this at work, so he waits for he and Donovan's next day off, which takes a few days. Then, they meet at a diner.

"Wait, let me get this straight," Donovan says, a frown on his face. Salem just explained the entire situation to him, how they need to find a way to keep that thing plugged into Catrine's computer overnight without her finding out. "You plug it in, and it steals everything from her computer?"

Salem nods. "It downloads everything and wipes it."

Donny frowns, appearing to be trying to figure out how that's possible. Yeah, Salem's never heard of anything like it. He's pretty sure it was made by Remi, or at least a member of the Di Angelo family. Most likely Luca, he seems to be the smarter one. The device itself has a little skull symbol on it, which is the Di Angelo brand.

"How does that even work?"