The officers Catrine named are arrested almost immediately. Jordan, of course, and Callisto. Salem didn't even know who that was, but it's revealed it was the other guy that was accompanying Jordan before Catrine dismissed him. It is extremely satisfying to watch Jordan get placed in handcuffs, head down, unable to make eye contact with anyone.

Catrine, somehow, escapes.

Salem thinks she may have had it planned. She knew he likely had evidence, so he wouldn't put it past her to have an entire escape plan prepared. People go after her, but she goes through the back exit and essentially is not seen again.

Salem almost chases her too, but he decides he probably should stay for the aftermath. He's glad he did so, because one more person chasing her would've made no difference. Also, people had a lot of questions for him, including reporters. Atlas didn't want to deal with this, so he went out to the car and just waited for it all to be over with.