When Salem finally arrives at the station, he's about an hour late. He's completely missed roll call and everything, and is unsurprised when, immediately upon entrance, he's being addressed by his sergeant.

"Corporal Heart," she says, after Salem enters the building. She has his attention right away. "May I speak with you in my office?"

Oh shit, really? This is like the first time he's been late, though! Could it be something else? He's always tried to be so careful! Did they find Catrine's pictures of him and Atlas or something? Goddammit, all the shit he's done, all the happiness he's sacrificed for this stupid job. What could it possibly be now?

Salem gives her a swift nod, internally preparing himself for anything. He just follows the lady as she leads him out of the lobby area and down the hallway, up some stairs and around a corner until they're eventually in her office.