We catch an evening train to the downtown. The supermarket lights glow in the fading light. Ema opts to go to one of the bigger ones.
"It'll have household things too," she says, considerate of my list.
Ukyo has sent her a grocery list, so she and Yusuke split up to get those things. They take one of the shopping carts while I head over to the household section. I take a bigger cart, ready to find myself a new comforter.
The store is relatively busy, with tons of people having been let out of work. There are a few families with children. I nearly knock into one of them, apologizing profusely before going on my way.
In the bedding section I find a plain comforter that's not nearly as soft or fluffy as a futon. But it's cheap and (probably) within my budget. I start to feel a little regret for splurging so much on the ice cream earlier.
Whatever. I needed it.
Next, there's things like a toothbrush and toothpaste, some extra socks and a hairbrush (no way am I trusting my old hairbrush now that it's been covered in sewage).
My cart soon becomes full of things, so much that it's like I'm moving again.
I'm reminded of when I first moved out four years ago. Kaasan and Tousan took me out to the local stores to get things. I left a lot of my stuff at home because I'd planned to travel light.
Sadly, that meant leaving behind most of my beautiful manga collection. Since then I've been renting or borrowing books from campus or local shops, but it's not the same since I have to return them in the end. Though I guess it was a good choice in the long run, since now they'd be wrinkled with water.
I remember Kaasan fretting about whether I'd gotten all the things on the list. "Do you have enough snacks? How about dental floss and hair conditioner? Eh? You're choosing that brand? Get this one, it's better."
All the while, Tousan would silently add things in like a box of bandages or a matching pair of cat mugs.
I smile at the memories, finding that I miss my family. I have yet to respond to my mom, and frankly I'm also regretting not having talked to her earlier.
She wouldn't freak out just yet, since if I don't respond she'll assume I'm at work or doing school things.
Gingerly, I reach for my phone and dial her number. Leaning on the handle of the shopping cart, I wait for her to pick up.
"Moshi moshi?"
"Kaasan?" I gulp. "Hello?"
"Mai!" She sounds relieved. "Honey, she's on the phone. Come and say hello."
Seconds later I hear my dad's "Hello."
"Yo, Tousan. How's work?"
"It's doing alright. How is school?"
"It's going well. I have some things due next week."
"That's good to hear. Your studies are important."
"Honey, she knows that already. Mai, are you okay? You didn't pick up earlier so I was worried, but I know you have work and all that."
"Un. About that..." I take a deep breath and brace myself for their reactions. "My place flooded today, so I have to move out."
There's a good five seconds before Kaasan screams, "NANI?"
On the other side Tousan is trying to calm her down, but Kaasan won't have it.
"What do you mean it flooded? You're paying good money for that place? Don't tell me it was that sketchy landlord. Uwa! This is why you never trust men in starched suits!"
Doesn't Tousan have one of those?
"Mai, where are you right now? Do you need us to come up and get you? Oh, please don't tell me you're staying at an Internet cafe!"
"Don't worry, Kaasan. One of my classmates has offered to put me up for the night. She says I can stay until my place gets fixed or I can find a new place."
"Classmate? Which one? You don't mean that Matsumoto fellow, do you? I don't like the look of his eyes."
"Ano... No, it's not Matsumoto. And Matsumoto Erika already has roommates. I'm staying at Asahina's place. Asahina Ema and Yusuke."
There's a pause.
"Oh, Ema-san! Tell her I said hello. She should come see us next time we're in the city. It'd be nice to go out for sushi together."
"Okay, Kaasan, I'll let her know."
"Are you sure you're alright, Mai? You weren't hurt, were you?"
"No. I was at work when it happened. I managed to save most of my stuff, like my laptop."
Kaasan sighs in relief, so does Tousan, unsurprisingly.
"I'm actually out shopping now to get some things."
"Do you have enough money?" Kaasan worries. "If you need any more let me know and we can send some. Mah, my poor baby all alone in the city! I know that you work, but your money should be used for good food!"
"Eh, I'll be fine. You know, Ema's got an older brother who does most of the cooking."
"You don't mean Yusuke-san, do you?"
I stifle a laugh. I can't picture Yusuke cooking.
"No, Ukyo-san. He and Ema are the top chefs in the house."
"Eh? Ema-san has another older brother?"
Should I tell her?
I kind of want to, just to see how she'll react. Man, aren't I a good daughter?
But in the end I decide not to. Better not worry Kaasan more than I already have.
"Listen, Kaasan, I have to get going soon. I've got to finish shopping."
"Oh, of course. Let us know if you need anything. Anything at all! I'll drive up to the city myself if I have to."
"I know, Kaasan. Thanks."
"Okay, Mai. You take care of yourself, alright?"
"I will. I'm sending hugs."
"Un. We're sending hugs back. Honey, you too."
I can almost hear her nudging my dad to the phone.
"Be safe, Mai," he says.
"Un, Tousan. Say hi to Shin for me."
"Will do."
Kaasan takes the phone back. "Be sure to give us updates. Let us know about the insurance part. We can deal with that sooner."
"Hai. I will. Jaa ne."
"Jaa ne!"
I hang up.
My head drops to my arms over the cart's handle. It feels like a weight has been lifted now that I've finally told my parents. I know it's not such a big deal, but I really didn't want them to worry.
I bet Kaasan will be ranting to Tousan about the lousy landlords living in the city. If I were at home I'd be tempted to say just the same about the landlords in our town. Some places really should be taken care of better.
Anyhow, I have to get back to shopping. There's only a couple more things that I'll need next.
Chopsticks to replace the old ones, for even though I can use the ones at the Asahina's, it'd be nice to have my own ready for when I move out again.
I spy a couple of pretty cat patterned ones. Locking on my target, I zoom in to grab a pair. Nyanko are the best!
Lastly are towels. I've been meaning to replace the old ones, anyway.
As I browse along the shelves I spy a cute towel with a printing of an orange cat on it.
I stretch my arm to reach for the towel, only to have my hand brush against another person's.
I flinch at their touch. "Gomenasai!" I say hastily.
"Iie, it's fine," answers a low voice.