Chapter 19: Fashionable

"I see that your colour is mostly blue," Louis says. "But I was, like, wondering if you'd be open to trying on something that was, maybe, pink?"

I glance at Ema, who looks like she has something to say.

"I'm not against the idea," I answer. I just haven't been thinking too much about clothes lately. Between work and school I haven't had as much time to really care about my appearance. Other than my faded dyed hair, anyway.

Louis smiles. "That's great. Let's go somewhere after this."

"What do you have in mind?"

"Somewhere you and Chii-chan are gonna love."

I want to ask what he means by that, but Louis sips his tea without saying much more. It looks like he wants to keep it a surprise.


Louis's confidence infects us, and we follow him without further questions. I get the feeling that he's very knowledgeable about fashion, as he takes us to a mall filled with stores that cater to all things feminine.

We are ushered into places that sell all manners of dresses, from the frilliest lolita gowns to the most striking leather gear. Louis also seems to know many of the workers, who give us the best service and pile plenty of options into our arms before shoving Ema and me into change rooms.

Juli remains on Louis' shoulder, acting as a judge for each outfit. It's a little weird at first, trying on clothes I would normally never look twice at. But there's something fun about it, going window shopping with a friend and her brother (and squirrel). Besides, Ema is way more embarrassed than me to be trying on all of these things.

She looks the best in soft blush pink and sunny yellow, which complement her cheery demeanour. Juli gives a thumbs up in approval to almost every one of her outfits. Louis likewise agrees that the more feminine vibe suits our Ema.

As for me, Louis gets me to try on similar clothes, except mine tend to be complementary colours to whatever Ema is wearing. If she comes out in pink then Louis hands me something in blue. If she's in white then I'm put in black. I actually don't mind the lacy black dress; it reminds me a cosplay costume I once saw online. 

Though we don't end up buying anything the outing is super fun. I can't remember the last time I went out with a friend like this. While it's too early to consider Louis as a friend, he's probably one of the best friends' brother's I've ever met (sorry Yusuke, but you ate my last strawberry last week). 

Later in the day, closer to late afternoon, we take refuge at a café, where Louis orders us sweet drinks. 

"What did you think?" he asks. There isn't a trace of exhaustion in his features. Shopping must grant him energy.

"It was fun. I didn't realize how good you are at fashion."

"That's Louis-san for you."

"He's the only brother I'd ever trust in dressing Chii."

Louis blushes a little at the compliments. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. I hope you feel a little better now."

"Ah." If only all brothers could be this considerate. "Thank you for taking us out today."

"Hai, thank you very much, Louis-san." Ema flashes him a sweet smile. "So much has happened lately that we haven't had a chance to relax. So many of those outfits suited you, Mai-chan. I'm a little sad we weren't able to get you any."

"Iie, iie, that's fine. I don't know when I'd even get the chance to dress up that fancy." I wave my hands in dismissal. Those kind of clothes would suit Ema a lot more on a daily basis. If I left the houses wearing cute dresses all the time I feel that my brother would vomit in my face. 

"In that case, here." To my surprise, Louis reaches into his pocket and produces two flat paper pouches. He hands one to Ema and the other to me. Her eyes widen as well. We exchange glances and accept the pouches. 

Ema opens hers first. "Louis-san, when did you...?" 

Hers holds a hair tie with a cute pink bow attached to it. It would go perfectly over her side ponytail and would probably match any of the outfits she already has. 

Curiously, I open mine, wondering if he's bought me the same thing. I wouldn't mind a giant blue ribbon, but somehow I feel like that'd make Shin vomit in my tea.

The paper crinkles as I pull out a flat hair clip the length of my finger. The top surface is a flattened triangle which shines a deep iridescent blue, almost as though I am staring into space. 

I gape, turning to look at Louis in utter shock. 

He smiles. "I know you and Chii-chan have different styles, so I figured you might like something more like this instead. What do you think?"

"Arigatou gozaimasu. It's beautiful," I say. And I mean it. He's right that it suits me, even if it's not something I'd go out of my way to buy for myself. "You really are the best brother, Louis-san."

"Ahaha, you flatter me." He tilts his head and rubs the back of his neck in embarrassment. "It's my pleasure to help out a friend of my imouto-chan."

Ema thanks Louis too, though she's a little sad that we couldn't get something for him as well. Louis insists that he doesn't need one, but thanks her for the thought all the same. It makes me wonder when these guys get presents if they don't celebrate birthdays every year...

Once we finish our drinks it's time to head home. Ema and I volunteered to help Ukyo with dinner. Okay, I volunteered; it's part of Ema's usual routine.

Thankfully, when we get back to Sunrise Residence there's no sign of Fuuto. I haven't seen him since his roguish introduction that time. Ema figures he must be at his studio for work, and while it may seem rude I hope he stays there until I move out. If all goes well then we'll never have to cross paths ever again, aside from on the cans of kitty cat food of course.

Ukyo decides to make something with lots of meat today. From the way he's rushing to prepare makes me think that today is different. I sneak a glance at the calendar on the fridge, which marks the schedules of each of the condo's current residents. I haven't memorized who is which colour yet, but today I note a different coloured dot. It means that someone new will be here for dinner.

"Who could it be?" I murmur aloud.

As if on cue, the elevator doors open and a deep voice slurs, "I'm home, Kyo-nii, Ema-chan! What are we having for dinner tonight?"

I can't resist peeking to see who it is this time. It's not the twins, nor Iori, and certainly not Fuuto. 

What I find is a man in a lavish monk's uniform, but his hair is long and golden, and his eyes are narrowed seductively like it's his natural resting face. 

"Oh? Who might you be, Miss Beautiful Young Lady?"

It sends a shiver up my spine.