Chapter 27: Levelling Up

The day before my next apartment tour is set Wataru invites me to play video games with him in the living room. He insists that we can finish a game in time for dinner with our scoring rate.

"Sure," I agree, "But I need to help Ema-chan as soon as we're done. Ukyou-san is busy with a case tonight so he won't be able to help out." 

At breakfast this morning he told Ema and me that he needed to put his all into the case, lest he be beaten by his rival.

"We can bring dinner to your room if you like," Ema offered.

Ukyou smiled. "Arigatou. That would be very helpful."

Since then, Ukyou holed up in his room and has yet to emerge. 

Yusuke tried to ask him what was for dinner around lunchtime, as he was debating whether or not he should get takeout so he could go study on campus. He ended up getting yelled at by Ukyou to leave him alone. I heard Ema consoling Yusuke on the second floor, saying that if he wanted he could eat out if he wanted to. Upon hearing that she and I would be making dinner ourselves, however, Yusuke decided he'd rather eat at home.

After that Yusuke wrote "天岩戸" on a piece of paper and stuck it to Ukyou's door. 

"Is it okay for him to do that?" I whispered to Ema. 

Ema puts on a smile. "It might be for the best. This way Wataru-chan won't bother him about dinner either."

She was right, for we heard no more complaints from Ukyou about being disturbed in his impenetrable fortress. 

"No way! How'd you get that one?" Wataru's eyes widen as I finish one of the puzzles on the screen. We're playing an action game laced with strategy mini games. The more attempts you make to try and solve the problems, the less points you get upon completion. So far I've managed to keep our attempts to two or three tries.

I grin. "I'm not actually that good. It's my younger brother who made me get good at them." 

When I still lived at home Shin made me game with him whenever his friends weren't around to play. Yet he'd always bemoan how bad I was at puzzle games. It got to the point where I had no choice but to secretly practice on my own and research different methods on how to improve. One needs to maintain authority as an older sibling, after all. 

I can't exactly explain all this to Wataru, but he draws his own conclusions right away. 

"I see now!" he says, eyes flashing with determination. "It's the job of a younger brother to inspire the older sister."

That's not what I meant, but if that's how you want to read it...

"Ema-chan's also pretty good at gaming," I comment. "She always beats me, except for that one game."

"Onee-chan beats me at all of them," Wataru mutters sadly. "I want to get better at everything so I can prove that I'm worthy of her love!"

I don't know what to make of his words. What is it with the Asahina brothers and their weird phrasing?

"Ano, Wataru-chan, I think Ema-chan will love you no matter what. She's your sister, after all."

Wataru shakes his head. "I don't mean sibling love. I mean like how a woman loves a man."

"Eh, but isn't Wataru-chan still an elementary school student?"

The boy's jaw drops and he hangs his head in dismay. "I-I'm a middle schooler." 

My heart drops into my throat. Sweat tingles my forehead as I try to cheer him up. "A-Ah. Sorry. I see what you mean. N-Now it makes more sense why Wataru-chan is so keen to grow up."

Nice save, Mai!

In response Wataru pouts, a reaction fairly befitting of an elementary schooler. On one hand it's cute to see him embrace adolescence with such gusto. Yet on the other it's hard seeing him feel like he's not mature enough for his age. 

I think back to when I was in middle school and wanted to be seen as an adult. What's the best thing I can say to him at this moment?

"I-If Wataru-kun wants to prove himself, I think all he needs to do is be himself and grow up at his own pace, little by little," I say. "There's no rush to become like your older brothers."

Come to think of it, being called "chan" must make Wataru feel like a kid regardless of what school level he's at. I've only ever called him with "chan" before, so using "kun" all of a sudden feels strange. Is this how parents feel when their children grow up? 

Though I don't think I felt this way when Shin started middle school. Maybe it's different for your own younger brother?

But that simple change puts a smile back on Wataru's face. "Mn! You're right, Mai-chan. I'm going to grow up the best I can! I've got the rest of middle school to change, so for now I'll start with getting better at gaming. Can you teach me how to solve the puzzle, Mai-chan?"

His determination renewed, I walk Wataru through the steps to solving the puzzle. We go over it a few times and do an example together. The joy he gains from getting it right in under three attempts raises my spirits as well. 

"Yatta!" We high-five in triumph.

"Sugoi ne, did you beat the round?" 

We turn to see Ema come down the stairs. Wataru immediately jumps to his feet to meet her.

"That's right, Onee-chan! Mai-chan taught me how to beat the puzzle. I've levelled up one step closer to being the man you deserve."

I know he wants to grow up, but Wataru-chan is still Wataru-chan.

Ema is so flustered that she can only muster a, "I-Is that so?"

"H-Hai. Wataru-kun is levelling up pretty fast in the game, ne?" I try to explain, not convincing anyone.

At Wataru's insistence, Ema joins us for the next round, taking up a third controller and sitting on his other side. Wataru purses his lips as Ema eventually advances to the next level without him.

I'm still a few levels below her, but it's fun to have a rival in gaming. Ema's the only one whom I really play against since I moved away from home. Sure, once and a while Shin and I will play on the web, but more often than not we're both too busy with school and work.

Ema and I thus fall into our usual routine of competitiveness. 

"Watch your back, Ema-chan. I won't let victory go that easily!"

"Same to you, Mai-chan. I'm going to give it my all to reach the boss first!"

Sparks fly between us as Ema and I battle battle to the (in-game) death.

Poor Wataru can only do his best to keep up.