Chapter 32: Just Friends

"I'm so, so sorry!" 

Ema presses her hands together in apology and bows low at the waist. "I didn't mean for anyone to interfere with your tour. I mentioned I was worried that you were going on your own, but I never expected that Tsubaki-san, Azusa-san, and Natsume-san would ask to go with you. I hope they didn't cause you any trouble."

I bite my tongue and reply, "It was fine. I got the chance to thank Natsume-san for his recommendations."

It takes a few cycles of apologizing for Ema to understand that it's okay. Even if the twins are annoying, I'm not going to hold a grudge for something this trivial.

"Anyway, I'm surprised that even Natsume-san was able to go," Ema muses. After dinner the two of us are tasked with washing and drying the dishes. She hands me a cup which she's rinsed off in the sink.

I take the cup and begin drying it with a towel. "Oh. Right. He mentioned he'd be busy for a while. His transfer must still be underway."

"Mn. He said he transferred departments in the spring. I haven't heard very much from him aside from our lunch at the cafe." Ema places a hand on her cheek, worry filling her gaze. "I hope he doesn't overwork himself. Offices should allow for more breaks or else everyone will be exhausted."

"That's how it is for salary workers." I sigh. "Maybe if you offer, Natsume would be open to visiting home when he has the chance. You could make him dinner so he doesn't have to cook, or let him relax here so he doesn't spend overnight in the office."

Ema considers this, then shakes her head. "I can offer, but I don't want to bother him too much. The last thing I want is for me to distract him while he's getting used to a new job." She sighs. "Maybe I'll ask Tsubaki-san or Azusa-san to give me updates. They talk to Natsume-san far more than me."

"If you say so." I place the newly dried cup back in the cupboard. "Anyway, I've got another tour coming up, so if you want to come this time..." 

I tell Ema the date and location. It's another one of Natsume's recommendations, though it's a little further away from Sunrise Residence than the last one.

Sadly, Ema has classes again, but she promises me that she won't accidentally send the twins as my escorts again. 

Instead, she somehow volunteers Yusuke to accompany me. Or rather, Yusuke butts in when he hears Ema and I talking about going out together.

"But you're not going?" Yusuke's shoulders sag as he learns of Ema's busy schedule.

"Not this time. But I won't stop you from going with Mai-chan if you want to." Ema smiles freely, like she didn't just accidentally rope another brother into the mix.

"I'm really fine going by myself," I assert, feeling the dread that the cycle is about to repeat.

But Yusuke's already committed to going and refuses to back out in front of Ema. "It's fine. I can go. Just let me know when and where." Then he staggers back into the living room, out of sight.

You did your best, Yusuke-kun, but do you really have to look so down about going out with me? It's not even a date or anything! It's business. Just business!

"Looks like Yusuke-kun is okay to join you if you want." Ema turns to me, beaming. "My brothers must really like you, Mai-chan."

"I'm flattered, but I'm sure that's not the case." 

They're clearly doing this for you!

Yusuke clearly wanted to go because Ema was going. He'd been down when he found out that Ema and I went out to meet Natsume last time. Figures that he'd want to spend more time with her outside of school. 

"Eh? What do you mean?" Ema is still confused. 

I stare at her, debating whether or not I should put it bluntly. But Ema looks at me so expectantly that I just can't. It's not my place to get involved in her relationships with her brothers. I also have a feeling that even if I did tell her about her brother's motivations for helping me she wouldn't believe me. She has too much faith in the selflessness of the Asahina brothers that I'd feel bad arguing otherwise.

I sigh. "Never mind. Can you pass me the next plate, please?"


The tour with Yusuke comes and goes without any problems. 

Neither of us say very much to the tour guide this time. We're both awkward around each other without Ema as a buffer. And unlike the twins he doesn't have much to say to me, and unlike Natsume he doesn't know the area, so he can't offer any commentary on the place. 

It's clear that Yusuke would much rather be here with Ema than with me. Given his tendency for innocent romantic notions, I wonder if he's ever daydreamed about looking for a place with Ema himself. Do guys think about that kind of things when they have crushes? 

But regardless of Yusuke's preference of companionship, he smiles politely and says that he doesn't mind coming out, that it's not a problem since he's got free time in his schedule today.

He remains the helpful brother doing a favour for a friend...

...That is, until the tour guide asks if we're dating.

Both Yusuke and I immediately jump to reject the idea.

"I've got someone else I like!" Yusuke shouts. 

"We're just friends," I add, waving my dismissal of the thought of it.

As if I'd crush on someone I know who has a crush on someone else!

The tour guide merely chuckles to herself, muttering about how it must be nice to be young.

After that neither Yusuke and I keep to ourselves. We view the place standing at least three feet apart, and no glances are exchanged or even made toward each other. Our attempts to give off the friends-only vibe seem to be working, but the tour guide's smile stretches wider the longer it plays out.

Thankfully, the apartment isn't big so the tour isn't very long. The tour guide thanks us for coming and wishes me luck in finding a place.

"Hopefully there's good news soon. It's great to see young people plan their futures." She shoots a teasing glance at me and Yusuke, the latter who's on the verge of burning up in embarrassment.

Once the tour guide is gone and Yusuke and I are alone again I thank him for coming out. He could've dropped out when he learned Ema wasn't coming, but he stayed on. Sure, he probably wanted to look good in front of Ema, but he made a real effort when she wasn't here to see him. As his friend, I appreciate that. 

"No problem," Yusuke says. He buries his hands into the pockets of his track suit. "Anything for a friend."

"Mn. I know you hoped Ema-chan would come today. Maybe next time."

Yusuke flinches at my insinuation, his face turning as red as his hair. 

I blow a piece of hair from my face. "You like her, Yusuke-kun." It's not even a statement he can refute, but he tries to anyway.

Yusuke ducks his head. "W-Why do you e-even t-think that?"

Does he not know he's easy to read?

"Don't worry. I won't tell her," I say. I step down and out of the building. 

Yusuke follows after me. "I-I never said I liked her, you know!"

"Of course you didn't. But I think you'd have a better chance if you confess to her yourself." I pause and turn to him. "It's not my place to get involved with your relationship with Ema-chan, but it seems like more than one of your brothers might share the same feelings."

Hearing this, Yusuke deflates. "I already know that."

Okay, so he's not totally in denial. 

"Well, good luck to you," I say. "Once I move out I might not see you guys as much, so let me know if there are any developments. You know, in that way." I smirk teasingly, causing Yusuke to turn red again.

"I never said I'm gonna confess," Yusuke mutters as we continue on toward the station. 

I laugh and agree that he never said anything of the sort. 

The ice broken, the two of us head back to Sunrise Residence. How unexpected it was that we'd end up talking about Ema? Though I guess she's still the only common denominator between us. 

Back at the mansion Yusuke not-so-subtly contributes to the recap of the tour, leaving out the details of the tour guide's teasing for all intents and purposes. 

Ema is delighted to hear that it went well, even more so when I tell her that I'm seriously considering it. It's similar to the previous place, but a bit smaller and therefore more cheaper. Plus, there's no built-in laundry, but that's fine—that's what coin laundries are for. 

"Maybe I'll host you when I've settled in." I raise my tea in a toast. "You, too, Yusuke. It'll be nice to host you guys for a change."

The two raise their drinks, Ema her matching mug and Yusuke his soda, respectively. 

"If you us over, maybe we should go out to celebrate," Ema says. 

"Just us, though, right?" I tease. 

"Ah, yes." Ema blinks as she catches my meaning. "Maybe just myself and Yusuke-kun next time."

Judging by his confusion, Yusuke mustn't have heard about the twins' ambush yet. As it's not something he needs to know, Ema and I sweep over it and change the topic to school, one that Yusuke participates in with enthusiasm. 

Well Yusuke-kun, today wasn't bad at all, was it?