Chapter 34: No Trouble At All

Riding the high of having helped prepare dinner, Wataru boasts about his math grades while we eat, earning praise from Masaomi, who's having a rare evening at home. 

"That's great to hear," Masaomi says. "Keep working hard in your studies and you'll ace your exams."

Right. I recall that Wataru is a first year middle schooler, so he'll experience the harsh world of exams. 

Do your best, Wataru-kun!

"That's so great to hear." Ema piles on her praise as well, which makes Wataru's smile shine even brighter. Somehow, after confirming Yusuke's feelings the other day I can't help but wonder about Wataru. There's no way he has the same feelings for Ema, right?

"Sounds like you're doing a good job in school," I say. "Math will be a good skill to have when you get to your upper years."

"You can get anywhere with math," Masaomi agrees. "If you want to be a doctor, an engineer, a computer major... it's all open to you, Wataru."

The youngest Asahina pumps his fists in determination, saying that he'll do his best and make himself a career. He's not quite sure what exactly said career will be, but it's cute to see him so excited for his future. 

Seeing him likes this makes me wonder about Shin. Is he also studying hard for his exams? Does he still hate math like he did back in elementary school? It's been a while since I've actually talked to him, and since he's not planning on visiting Tokyo for summer vacation I probably won't see him again until New Year's. 

I'm a little torn between wanting to see my brother and staying as far away as humanely possible. Such are the conflicting emotions toward siblings.

Ema and I wash up after dinner, leaving Ukyo to prepare the tea. I notice he's very meticulous about which blends he uses. Since Masaomi is home he selects a blend of dried tea leaves that he says will help "relieve his exhaustion." This is quite the step up from the usual, since he regularly serves tea bags instead. 

Masaomi is none the wiser, but accepts his younger brother's tea with gratitude. Despite the bags under his eyes he still lets Wataru pull up the chair beside him so they can review his math homework. The eldest and the youngest get along swimmingly well. 

Now that chores are out of the way, Ema and I take our tea in the kitchen. We hang around near where the half wall separates us from the dining room, where the brothers can socialize in peace.

"It's amazing how Wataru-chan is working hard to meet his goals," Ema muses. She blows daintily on her tea before sipping it from her mug. "I'm still not sure what I want to do after school."

"Yeah. I can't imagine being that pumped about math exams, either." I shiver, thinking of how I used to cram before final exams in high school. One perk of living alone meant that I could devise my schedule as I pleased, which meant using dinner time strictly to eat, or reviewing study material while slurping back the ramen. 

Ema laughs. "Since Wataru-chan is so keen on his studies, it makes me want to do my best, too." 

It's only mid-May now, so we still have a whole half term left. But before we know it final exams will be upon us in July; we don't have any time to waste. Thank goodness we have summer break afterward as our hard-earned reward. 

I decide that this is a good time to tell Ema that I've settled on a place. I want to move out before final exams arrive, since not only me, but Ema and Yusuke would prefer less people disrupting their studying. 

"Ne, Ema-chan, you know how Yusuke-kun and I went out the other day to tour a place?" I ask. 

Ema grips her mug. "Hai. I forgot to ask how it went. Yusuke-kun didn't bother you or anything, did he?" 

Since the last Asahina escort Ema must really be worried about much trouble her brothers are causing. Still, I can hardly imagine Yusuke being annoying on a simple house tour. If anything, he was on his best behaviour so I'd have nothing but good things to report back to Ema, which I do. 

"That's great to hear." Ema smiles. "It sounds like this place is more promising than the last one."

I nod. "That's why I'm going to put in an offer on the lease."

The mug nearly slips from her hands. Ema hastens to steady it again before turning her widened eyes to me.

"You're going to sign the lease?"

"Yep." I tell her about the place and what it was like, how it was better than my last place but still affordable that even a student like me could rent it. Furthermore, I found out that it's not too far away from where I work, so even working a closing shift won't be too much of an issue for commuting home at night.

Ema takes this all in and breathes softly. "... I see. Have you emailed the landlord yet?"

"Yeah. I'm waiting for a response. They'll probably get back to me tomorrow or the next day. But I'll let you know when he does. I really want this place." I smile and sip my tea. 

Upon seeing my expression Ema softens. "That must mean you'll be moving out soon, then." She lowers her eyes and her tone suggests she's a little sad. 

"Is that a bad thing?" I ask carefully. "I've imposed on you guys so long already that I'd feel bad about staying any longer. There's so many people living here already, so at the end of the day I want to get settled before finals."

"I see. It makes sense when you put it that way." Ema sighs. "It was fun having a friend stay over for a change. I don't get to invite that many people to visit my house, so it was like having an extended sleep over." She laughs gently.

"We can still have an actual sleepover sometime," I say, thinking of what the triplets mentioned on the previous tour. "It's just that my new place will be a lot smaller, so we might be squished into one room."

"That's okay." Ema isn't bothered by the idea in the slightest. "I knew that you would move out eventually, but now that it's actually happening I feel kind of lonely."

I must admit, I didn't expect her to say such a thing. At school Ema is very sociable and popular. By herself she's a very pretty girl with good grades and a kind smile. People are drawn to her, and she never looks down on others no matter their circumstances. And taking into account her family background she has a lot of connections to famous people. For those who know about the Asahinas, it's hard to imagine Ema would ever want for friends. 

So it surprises me that she hasn't had many people over to visit, much less that she'd be lonely not having a friend around. Some of their high profile brothers don't even live here most of the time, so it's not like they'd have to worry about security or anything. 

As I ponder this Ema continues, "Please let me know when you're set to move into your new place. I can help you move your things on the day. I'm sure Yusuke-kun and the others would like to help you out, too. They really like you, Mai-chan."

"I don't know about that, but if they're okay with it then I'd be happy to have them." 

Willing adults to help me move out, free of charge? Sold! 

"I'll let you know the details as soon as the landlord and I come to an agreement."

With that promise secured, I relay my thanks to Ema once again for letting me stay here.

"I would've been in real trouble if you hadn't offered," I tell her. "Thank you very much for hosting me."

"You're very welcome. It was no trouble at all." Ema nods.

I remember my previous phone call with my parents and add, "Right. My parents are coming to visit this summer, and they want to meet you. My mother in particular wants to thank you for letting me stay. She'll probably bring some snacks as a thank-you gift. You got any requests?" 

"Oh, she doesn't have to do all that for me." Ema waves one of her hands in refusal. "I simply wanted to help a friend. But I'd be more than happy to meet your parents."

"Cool. I'll let you know when they have a free day. They want me to take them sight seeing for a bit, so maybe we can meet up for lunch."

Ema and I discuss several ideas for outings with my parents. Since Ema and I both live in Tokyo we have more than a few suggestions of where to eat or where to visit. Tourist-y sections are most preferable, as there will be places of interest for my parents to tour as well. 

Eventually, Wataru comes to the kitchen for a refill on his tea. He's very pleased with himself about his math scores, though he's noticeably more tired now that he's gone over his homework with his paediatrician older brother.

"What are you two talking about?" he asks curiously. 

Ema and I exchange glances. I don't want to let the Asahinas know when I'm moving out just yet. Nothing's been finalized, and I don't want the twins to catch wind of it and get any ideas. 

I smile and say, "We're thinking up tourist destinations for my parents. They want to visit Tokyo this summer."

Wataru's eyes gleam. "Oh! I know of a lot of cool places. Want to hear them?"

Ema and I agree to hear him out, and by the end of the evening I've got a full list of ideas for my parents to include in their trip.