It's over. I've been seen this time.

  Raul and Artemis are gone!

  Watching the two leave, Su Bai was also planning to return to the training ground.

  He hadn't gotten a clear picture of the status of that training value in the system yet, but by the looks of it, that thing must have something to do with his own training.

  He didn't have much time to think about anything else right now.

  As for what Raul just said about going to the first team?

  It was something that was purely amusing to him.

  Su Bai knows himself half a catty, go to the u18 of the Bundesliga may be difficult, not to mention the Bundesliga has a world of difference.

  Daniel watched Su Bai turn around and also called out to him.

  "Hey, Sue, what are you doing there?"

  "Training, sir!"

  "Don't call me sir, just call me chief!"

  Hearing Su Bai call awkwardly, Daniel also made Su Bai change his name.

  "Yes, sir!"


  "Okay, chief!"

  Now, Daniel was finally satisfied.

  "Don't go to training, you're signed up but you haven't done your medicals and all that yet!"

  "You go ahead and get a physical!"

  "Wycliffe, take this little guy for a physical and test his other stats while you're at it!"

  With that said and done, Daniel made his way slowly back to his office.

  The place for the medical checkup wasn't too far from Su Bai's training ground for them, and following the assistant coach, Su Bai quickly walked there.

  Although Su Bai and his team are u18, Schalke's medical center is still open for them.

  It's just that there's very little for them to enjoy compared to the first team.

  Wycliffe lightly led Su Bai into the building.

  "House, there? Come alive!"

  Wycliffe shouted softly.

  Soon a middle-aged man in a white coat with a beard looking murderous came out.

  Glancing at Su Bai, the man called Haus frowned.


  "Right! Old Jace recommended it, just signed it, but it's a little tight, no physical, so watch the physical!"

  After hearing Wycliffe's words, House nodded as well.

  "Look very thin ah, do not know can adapt to the German C game, this small body, I guess can not take a hit from others!"

  Despite the mutterings, House quickly packed up the instruments.


  Skillfully pressing a few buttons, House also turned his head to Su Bai.


  Looking at the doors all open, Su Bai was also a bit depressed.

  Taking off her clothes in front of two big men was something Su Bai had never experienced before.

  But looking at Haus glaring at him with bated breath, Su Bai also had no choice but to take off his clothes and lie down on someone else's apparatus!


  "This guy's body however is a bit wasted, look at the muscle mass, it's not enough for a professional player at all!"

  "Also, this guy's muscle strength doesn't work!"

  "Definitely not paying attention to your diet!"

  "What's old Jace doing looking for such a fellow, doesn't that old man usually have a pretty good eye?"

  House was still babbling, but at this point Su Bai couldn't hear anything.

  "Don't look at this kid, he's skinny, but that pass is something!"

  "You don't know, this guy's passing, it's beautiful!"

  "And the guy's only 17, he can still work on his body, but that passing sense thing, that's a natural!"

  Hearing that House was a bit unable to look at Su Bai, Wycliffe also immediately stepped forward!

  After all, this is the talent that his head intends to focus on cultivating isn't it.

  Howarth the bastard has a big mouth that everyone at the club knows about.

  If this isn't corrected and corrected for him, I'm guessing that by the end of the night, the whole club, even the sweeper's mom, will know that Coach Daniels got a loser and signed him without a physical.


  House, however, was in disbelief.

  "Dr. House, here's the data from the first team's just completed medical exam, should we give it to the first team side now?"

  At this time, a young female doctor with glasses and blonde hair also walked in.

  What a coincidence!

  Sue White's inspection has just ended as well.

  With a cackling sound.

  The testing instrument that had just been turned off hit open.

  The fully naked Su Bai appeared frankly in front of the young female doctor just like this.


  A scream!

  But the scream wasn't from the female doctor, it was from Su Bai!

  These two damn old men, just let him get naked and get a female doctor?

  Where will he put his face from now on!

  "Call it what it is!"

  However, the female doctor glanced at Su Bai and frankly threw down the documents and turned to leave!

  Su Bai helplessly put on his clothes.

  It was a scene that would make both Wycliffe and House laugh.

  "Lisa's still so calm, haha!"


  Su Bai also knew the name of the blonde just now.

  This was the first woman to see through Su Bai since he arrived in this world.

  At that moment, Lisa, who had just stepped out of the room, was also standing in the corner.

  She took a few deep breaths.

  Adjusting his breathing before continuing to turn and walk into the other room.

  Obviously, her composure was completely feigned!

  Not talking about Asians ....

  Lisa's face reddened for a moment at the thought of those damn magazines.

  That kid is pretty good looking.

  From House's room, Wycliffe took Subai to the body side room again!

  After a full hour or so of work!

  Wycliffe was finally satisfied with all of Su Bai's data and Su Bai left the building.

  After saying goodbye to Su Bai, Wycliffe also knocked on Daniel's room door directly with the data!

  "The numbers are in!"

  Looking at Daniel, who was slumped back in his chair and squinting.

  Wycliffe was also putting Su Bai's information on Daniel's desk.


  "Let's see!"

  Hearing Wycliffe's words, Daniel also immediately got up and picked up the data to read it!

  "Fourteen seconds for 100 meters?"

  "So slow?"

  "And folding ...."



  After reading Su Bai's data, Daniel was also helpless!

  Would have thought he picked up the slack.

  Taking a closer look at the stats, he realized that there was a reason why Dortmund threw this Su Bai guy out there!

  There's still time to improve those numbers at 17 though.

  But even the strongest can't improve much.

  Especially looking at Su Bai's muscle strength!

  At this moment, Daniel was also getting a little disheartened.

  Just this body, honestly, in the rough and tumble Bundesliga.

  Daniel was really worried that this guy Su Bai would be so banged up on the field that he wouldn't even dare to catch the ball.

  "And don't be too pessimistic, the kid's passing is really top notch!"

  Looking a little upset at his own chief, Wycliffe also rushed to comfort him.

  "Also, there's still room for improvement in all of this, but passing, this guy's really gifted!"

  "Tell you what, Wycliffe, from now on you keep an eye on this guy, especially his diet and all that!"

  "Don't let him eat greasy Chinese food, I'll get Haus later and get a recipe for this Su Bai guy!"

  That said, Daniel sat up and picked up the phone as well!

  Watching his own head coach care so much about Su Bai.

  Wycliffe also smiled and got up to leave.

  Despite all the talk, doesn't the special attention from the assistant coaches mean anything?

  It's already past four in the afternoon.

  Wycliffe is also packing up his things and getting ready to leave work.

  One of the best things about the u18s is that there is more time to spare.

  The players had a lot of free time in the afternoon, and it wasn't just the players, but the coaching staff as well.

  Leave the building.

  Wycliffe, however, heard the sound of someone else on the training ground.

  You know, on weekdays, at this time, the training ground would have been empty by now.

  Turn your head.

  Instead, Wycliffe saw a dark-haired figure on the training ground.

  He's carrying the ball around the wide practice field relentlessly and constantly sitting on the dribble toss.

  This kid!

  That's quite a fight.

  I don't know if it's just this three-minute thing, though.