Artemisia's Invitation, Young People Must Endure Loneliness

  Three days of intense training had allowed Su Bai to save up 3 free attribute points as well.

  With little consideration, Su Bai added it all to his ball control attribute!

  68 ball control attributes, still crap as hell.

  But at this level of Derby, the least basic moves these are kind of decent.

  With the two teams separated.

  The team's practice games have also begun.

  After all, it was on the B team, and Su Bai became the only player on the B team's roster within a couple of midfielders.

  It also naturally makes him the centerpiece of the b-team organization.

  It's just that it's not a very good core.

  All of the b-team's offense is all over him.

  Catch the ball, pass without stopping the ball!

  Su Bai went from being raw to slowly familiarizing himself with his teammates!

  There was also the skill card of deep-fried marbles, and Su Bai was slowly becoming a fish out of water in the midfield.

  "Huh! This kid seems to be looking improved!"

  Looking at Su Bai, who had strung the b-team together on the field, Daniel was also a bit surprised.

  Wycliffe was standing right next to Daniel.

  "It's a given that the kid has improved, he's the hardest worker on the team!"

  "Besides, he hasn't shrunk a bit from the recipes I've given him, and the toughest chicken breast has become his main meal!"

  Watching Su Bai's performance, Wycliffe also nodded in recognition.

  Geniuses are loved by all.

  And this kind of hardworking genius that's even rarer.

  "Judging by this performance, this kid is totally ready to play!"

  Daniel said.

  Hearing Daniel's words, Wycliffe smiled back without answering.

  He knows his own head coach well.

  It was obvious that this was already planned, and he had to be made to say a few words, and in the end it was as if he had forced the issue.

  Listening to Wycliffe not responding to himself.

  Daniel also laughed and glared at Wycliffe at his side.

  The thirty-minute confrontation ended quickly.


  Naturally, Team A won easily.

  Team b also had several chances, but team b's striker was a waste of space, and Su Bai's one-touch passes went wide.

  Daniel was also speechless.

  That's where u18 is at.

  The starting lineup has no problem playing in the Bundesliga, but the bench is crap.

  It can't be helped, the bench would have run away long ago if they were at the level of the starters!

  Where is the status quo that can still stay on the b team and wait for a chance to have any power.

  After finishing the training match, Daniel also arranged for the players to do some easy recovery training, while announcing that the afternoon training was canceled.

  After all, the game is tomorrow.

  Can't let the players get too tired either can we?

  Only, although the others rested, Su Bai had no intention of resting.

  I'll be practicing again this afternoon, and I'll have another attribute point in no time.

  Now he had no intention of trying to rest at all.

  Only, at about four in the afternoon, his phone was ringing.

  At this point, it's still the middle of the night in the country, and besides, he doesn't have many friends in the chariot country, but the phone never rings.

  Subai walked to the sidelines and picked up the phone.


  The Bundesliga starts tomorrow, why would Artemisia call him now?

  Doubtful connection!


  "Um, it's me, Artemisia!"

  "Oh, let's go to my house for dinner tonight, I had your sister-in-law fry up a few hometown dishes! I'll be waiting for you in front of the club later!"

  Artemisia was also on fire and hung up the phone without saying a few words.

  Su Bai's heart was also warmed.

  Although Artemisia herself is having a bit of a hard time mixing in the team, Artemisia still really treats Su Bai as a compatriot in this strange country.

  Looking at the time, Su Bai also packed up his things and turned around to go back to the dormitory!

  He's all sweaty now. It's not very decent to go to someone's house like that.

  After taking a shower and fixing his hair, Su Bai also rushed out the door.

  Fortunately, the Schalke 04 club is still in the city, Su Bai found a supermarket as soon as he went out and casually bought some fruits, and it was almost time.

  By the time he walked to the entrance of the club, Artemisia was already waiting there with her bag on her back.

  "White! Why are you still buying things!"

  Looking at Su Bai carrying a bunch of fruits, Artemisia also hurriedly walked over and helped carry a bag.

  "Hey, Artemisia, the first time I went to your house, empty-handed I'm embarrassed here!"

  "Fruit is so expensive in chariot country, I don't think you've been paid yet, and you don't have any money, so don't waste it!"

  "There are only two people at home, Li Qian and I. I can't finish so many fruits, so I'll put some in your dormitory!"

  With that, Artemis was about to turn around and head back to the club.

  "Brother Artemisia, you're treating me like an outsider, don't enter another family's door with empty hands, this is the rule of our Yan Guo people!"

  Looking at Su Bai's stubborn appearance, Artemisia smiled helplessly!

  "All right! Let's go!"

  After saying that, Artemisia also took Su Bai to his car!

  Not a luxury car, a Volkswagen Passat.

  It's also a substitute for many people's homes in the chariot country.

  Watching Su Bai survey his car.

  Artemisia also laughed bitterly!

  "This is still second-hand, come here to be honest I do not dare to buy any luxury car, our fans over there you know, not to mention, spraying that is the most unforgiving!"

  Su Bai also smiled and nodded, the memory, Dong Fangzhuo went to Manchester United did not play a few games to buy a luxury car or something, but was scolded for almost ten years.

  Artemisia has always kept a low profile, which has kept him still considered one of the few reliable players in the hearts of Yanguo fans.

  Although his strength was average, at least no one scolded him!

  Soon, the car drove to the downstairs of Artemisia's rented apartment.

  "13th floor, there are some apartments over here!"

  "The rent is expensive, but figure it's safe, and this is where most of the middle and upper income earners in the chariot country live!"

  "And it's quieter, so if you're interested, I can hook you up with one, and if you don't have the money, I'll give you a head start!"

  Watching Su Bai survey the apartment.

  Artemisia thought that Su Bai didn't really want to live in that dormitory anymore and said.

  "No, Artemisia, I want to live on that wage, and eat just enough for myself, when I kick out later!"

  "That's what's so great about young people, the drive!"

  The two men talked and laughed as they walked into Artemisia's house.

  Inside, it's a double-decker kind of apartment.

  The living room was cleaned.

  As soon as he opened the door, Lee Sin was waiting at the door.

  "Oops, what are you buying, hurry up and come in!"

  Li Qian was also in her twenties, not too beautiful, but her temperament was very good, a typical oriental face!

  After receiving the fruit in Su Bai's hand, Li Qian also poured Su Bai a cup of water and then went to the kitchen.

  Su Bai and Artemisia sat on the couch.

  "White, at the beginning you train well, don't be too hasty, after all, you've only been at Schalke for a few days, and I didn't get a chance to play until after a month's time here!"

  "u18 side, Schalke is also considered a strong team, if not because it is a ladder team can not be upgraded, maybe, u18 has long been in the Bundesliga!"

  "You're just training well now, Raul watched you pass the other day and was full of praise, and told people in the first team that I have a little brother who passes the ball exceptionally well!"

  Artemisia looked at Su Bai a bit formal and also opened the conversation!

  "Grace! That ...."

  "Artemisia, it looks like I made the 18-man roster!"

  Su Bai made a sound.

  The tea Artemisia had just swallowed spewed out!
