Chapter 3

The room is a huge, dark space. Artificial beams of light cut through the darkness, causing pools of white to collect on the black floor tiles. A vast screen surrounded by hundreds of smaller monitors dominates the opposite wall.

"I think it's a good idea for the Sivan family to mingle among the humans." The head of the council says as he talks from the high table.

One of the members stands up. "The Silas brothers won't even know they are here in the human world. We wipe off all their information from the internet."

"Good choice." The head says as he nods. "What did the prophecy say about our chosen one?" he asks.

The chorus goes quiet for a few seconds, then the second member stands up. "Inez will try to change everything we have built; she will change the rules."

The head swallows hard. "Continue," he commands.

"She will fall in love with a human boy, which is against our rules. He will also become a calamity, and he will make her end up doing wrong things and making unwise decisions." The second member adds as she sits down.

The head of the region sighed. "I shall pay a visit to Sivan's home." He stands up and he goes out of sight.


"Mom, I'm home," I say as I walk in. My parents are seated apart from each other. Arden is sitting next to an unfamiliar face. They all fix their gaze on me as I move forward a bit.

"Sit." My Dad commands as I drop my bag. An unfamiliar man walks up to me, and I can feel his aura. He wore a black floor-length garment. He looks older, more like 50 to 60 years old. He looks powerful too. He places his thumbs on my forehead as I move far away from him so quickly. He is so strong that I couldn't control myself but distance myself from him.

"Your fangs came out today, didn't they?" The son of a bitch read my mind. I didn't permit him, but he did.

"First of all, who are you?" I ask as I stand up. "Mom, Dad, who is this man?" I focus on them with anger.

Mom says immediately, "He is your uncle." "Don't be scared, he just has something to say."

"Uncle? I thought you said everyone hates us because I was assigned the chosen one. I heard you say that."

"Not Sivan's family, and besides, he is the head of the council." Mom replied.

I looked at him. "I have homework and I have to submit it tomorrow. I'm pretty busy, so please let's get straight to the point."

"That rude Inez, shut up." Dad shakes his head. "Just sit down and let him examine you, and you have to permit him."

"Why do I need to do that? He clearly got through without my permission."

"You have to grant him your permission so he can see everything and see if the prophecy is true." Arden cuts in.

"Prophecy? Mom..." I fix my gaze on her.

She is about to speak when the unfamiliar uncle holds his hand up and stops her. She stayed quiet as he sat down. "There is a prophecy about you and if it comes to pass, then you will ruin us all, so you have to let me get through that mind of yours."

"Okay, you can read me," I say, really scared.

"As the chosen one, you have a lot of lives in your hands, and trust me, you don't want to destroy them." He says as he places his hand on my head once again and chants a spell. Was he a witch too? I had no idea. He finally opened his eyes. "That boy," he adds.

"A boy?" I ask. At first, my mind didn't go to Chase Parker, but then he said again. "I saw him hold a ball on the field along with some other boys."

"Chase Parker?" I ask.

"Is that his name?" The man says as he removes his hand.

"Yes, I didn't talk to him, I haven't."

"Then don't; it's best that way. You'd save a lot of lives if you didn't talk to him."

I look at the man in confusion. "How will talking to a guy ruin their lives?" I ask.

"He is different from our kind; he can never be the one for you."

"I don't know what you are trying to do, but I won't talk to him." I walk towards the stairs. "I have homework to do." I walk to my room.


I sit on my bed and place my head on the pillow. Then my phone buzzed. It was a message from an unknown number. 'Hey love, this is Denise. Got your number from the class group chat.' I saved her number immediately and replied to her. She called me and told me to meet her at Jada's place. They are organizing an after-party for Chase's win. The thought of that name makes me remember what that old man said, so I decline and tell her that I have homework to do. I checked the time and it's 6 pm. Maybe a little stroll will make me feel better. I stand up and change into another outfit, then walk out of the house.

Denise sent me the address even after I told her I wouldn't go. I keep on strolling and yes, I end up at Jada's gate and find myself staring at it. I want to enter, but then I hesitate. No, I can't. What if I see that Chase guy? I thought. But then, at the same time, I want to see him. I was so drawn to him earlier in school. I felt the sparks. I know it all starts with the sparks, but after today I won't talk to him. I promise.

"Hey, boo." I hear someone say as I scream and jump.

"Geez, you scared me."

"I know." She starts laughing.

"You look drunk. Are you?" I ask.

"I'm not." She replies as she places her hand over my shoulder.

"I never told you I was outside; how did you know?" I ask.

"Well, I saw you through that camera." She points at the CCTV camera that was hung on the fence.

"How many people saw that with you?" I ask.

"I don't know, only me, I guess."

Immediately after she finishes her sentences, my phone buzzes. It's mom. I look at her again and sigh.

"No, don't tell me you are going to disappear like this afternoon." She pulls up a sad face.

"I'm not disappearing, I need to go back home. Mom needs me. I'm sorry, but I will make it up to you tomorrow. I promise." I say as I leave again.The room is a huge, dark space. Artificial beams of light cut through the darkness, causing pools of white to collect on the black floor tiles. A vast screen surrounded by hundreds of smaller monitors dominates the opposite wall.

"I think it's a good idea for the Sivan family to mingle among the humans." The head of the council says as he talks from the high table.

One of the members stands up. "The Silas brothers won't even know they are here in the human world. We wipe off all their information from the internet."

"Good choice." The head says as he nods. "What did the prophecy say about our chosen one?" he asks.

The chorus goes quiet for a few seconds, then the second member stands up. "Inez will try to change everything we have built; she will change the rules."

The head swallows hard. "Continue," he commands.

"She will fall in love with a human boy, which is against our rules. He will also become a calamity, and he will make her end up doing wrong things and making unwise decisions." The second member adds as she sits down.

The head of the region sighed. "I shall pay a visit to Sivan's home." He stands up and he goes out of sight.


"Mom, I'm home," I say as I walk in. My parents are seated apart from each other. Arden is sitting next to an unfamiliar face. They all fix their gaze on me as I move forward a bit.

"Sit." My Dad commands as I drop my bag. An unfamiliar man walks up to me, and I can feel his aura. He wore a black floor-length garment. He looks older, more like 50 to 60 years old. He looks powerful too. He places his thumbs on my forehead as I move far away from him so quickly. He is so strong that I couldn't control myself but distance myself from him.

"Your fangs came out today, didn't they?" The son of a bitch read my mind. I didn't permit him, but he did.

"First of all, who are you?" I ask as I stand up. "Mom, Dad, who is this man?" I focus on them with anger.

Mom says immediately, "He is your uncle." "Don't be scared, he just has something to say."

"Uncle? I thought you said everyone hates us because I was assigned the chosen one. I heard you say that."

"Not Sivan's family, and besides, he is the head of the council." Mom replied.

I looked at him. "I have homework and I have to submit it tomorrow. I'm pretty busy, so please let's get straight to the point."

"That rude Inez, shut up." Dad shakes his head. "Just sit down and let him examine you, and you have to permit him."

"Why do I need to do that? He clearly got through without my permission."

"You have to grant him your permission so he can see everything and see if the prophecy is true." Arden cuts in.

"Prophecy? Mom..." I fix my gaze on her.

She is about to speak when the unfamiliar uncle holds his hand up and stops her. She stayed quiet as he sat down. "There is a prophecy about you and if it comes to pass, then you will ruin us all, so you have to let me get through that mind of yours."

"Okay, you can read me," I say, really scared.

"As the chosen one, you have a lot of lives in your hands, and trust me, you don't want to destroy them." He says as he places his hand on my head once again and chants a spell. Was he a witch too? I had no idea. He finally opened his eyes. "That boy," he adds.

"A boy?" I ask. At first, my mind didn't go to Chase Parker, but then he said again. "I saw him hold a ball on the field along with some other boys."

"Chase Parker?" I ask.

"Is that his name?" The man says as he removes his hand.

"Yes, I didn't talk to him, I haven't."

"Then don't; it's best that way. You'd save a lot of lives if you didn't talk to him."

I look at the man in confusion. "How will talking to a guy ruin their lives?" I ask.

"He is different from our kind; he can never be the one for you."

"I don't know what you are trying to do, but I won't talk to him." I walk towards the stairs. "I have homework to do." I walk to my room.


I sit on my bed and place my head on the pillow. Then my phone buzzed. It was a message from an unknown number. 'Hey love, this is Denise. Got your number from the class group chat.' I saved her number immediately and replied to her. She called me and told me to meet her at Jada's place. They are organizing an after-party for Chase's win. The thought of that name makes me remember what that old man said, so I decline and tell her that I have homework to do. I checked the time and it's 6 pm. Maybe a little stroll will make me feel better. I stand up and change into another outfit, then walk out of the house.

Denise sent me the address even after I told her I wouldn't go. I keep on strolling and yes, I end up at Jada's gate and find myself staring at it. I want to enter, but then I hesitate. No, I can't. What if I see that Chase guy? I thought. But then, at the same time, I want to see him. I was so drawn to him earlier in school. I felt the sparks. I know it all starts with the sparks, but after today I won't talk to him. I promise.

"Hey, boo." I hear someone say as I scream and jump.

"Geez, you scared me."

"I know." She starts laughing.

"You look drunk. Are you?" I ask.

"I'm not." She replies as she places her hand over my shoulder.

"I never told you I was outside; how did you know?" I ask.

"Well, I saw you through that camera." She points at the CCTV camera that was hung on the fence.

"How many people saw that with you?" I ask.

"I don't know, only me, I guess."

Immediately after she finishes her sentences, my phone buzzes. It's mom. I look at her again and sigh.

"No, don't tell me you are going to disappear like this afternoon." She pulls up a sad face.

"I'm not disappearing, I need to go back home. Mom needs me. I'm sorry, but I will make it up to you tomorrow. I promise." I say as I leave again.