Anton's POV

As I looked at Thea and thought about how she intentionally decided to let me keep pushing for information that should not be a problem to give, I began to think she was a multiplayer. If she was keeping her past a secret, then there must be something about the past that connects to the present. I didn't want to see Thea in that light and it bothered me more than I cared to admit.

It seemed like there was something bigger beneath the surface, something she didn't want me to see. The whole "living in the present" line felt rehearsed, like she was hiding behind it. But that wasn't a challenge to me at all, I always know how to get what I want, when I want it, how I want it and from whom I want it. Her guarded attitude may have turned the situation into a puzzle but I'm the King of puzzles, I love solving puzzles.