Tea Talk

Here comes the day of my father's departure.

My mother spends the morning yelling behind him

-Don't you dare get drunk at you age!-

-Don't go out anywhere like stupid kids!-

-Don't stare at the maids like a pervert!-

And my father can only sigh and look away at such annoyance, as if he's ever been that kind of man to begin with...

But I suppose every insecure woman begin fearing such things as they grow older and less appealing, especially when their personality is so annoying that anyone could replace them just fine.

-Let's go have that tea I promised you my daughter... Mmhk Kh!- he holds back his coughing again and we mount on a carriage.


We don't go much far, it's a nice teahouse in the richest part of our city...

Inside music is playing and a girl intonate a song to the fallen soldier of the ancient times...

-Something more lively for my daughter please- demand my father throwing a valuable coin to the young lad

-As you wish My Lord- and she starts singing again while we take our seat...

-Lai'Er... I didn't actually took you here to talk about anything in particular but now I do have some questions in mind...-

-Whatever you want to know, if it's in my capability, I will answer father-

He waves off my words -Let's talk in front of some steamy sweet tea shall we? What would you like? Anything for you-

-Actually... If possible I would love Jasmine and honey, I found it rather amusing last time I had it-

-Of course... Young Mister! Please we would like to order something-

Shortly after our beverages arrive along with a plate full of sesame balls filled with red bean paste.

-Now... I know you are not late in age and we still have some time but...

Why do you keep refusing such valuables candidates?-

I put down my empty cup and my father proceed to fill it again

-You know we won't force you with just anyone, we prefer for you to find joy in marriage rather than money, well... At least I do.

But every girl your age already is promised to someone or married and they even looks rather happy...-

-Father... Being honest marriage doesn't looks so appealing to me, I've been postponing it hoping for a man of my same mindset to show up... But I'm loosing hope-

Of course this is not the real reason but still I would prefer a man like me than what you can actually find around

-Ah daughter... I really understand, you are so cleaver and beautiful, marrying you to half of those candidates feels like gifting a pearl to a pig in my mind...

But your mother will never be able to understand, she just think about her reputation and having you full of money, birthing one kid after the other!- He coughs a bit and proceed to pour more honey in his teacup.

-But still, there are many good men out there... They might not be perfect but it's still better than an arrogant husband who would harass you...

I don't want to force you, if you need more time fine, I couldn't care less about rumors but at least consider them...

We can't have you being unmarried forever...- his eyes fall on the singer behind me, imagining me in her stead

-We just want you to have a prosperous future instead of crawling around the streets-

-I understand- no, I don't

-What about that man at the banquet?- he munch on some sesame seeds

-Your mother wants you to marry him being so close to the Emperor...

I actually think he's a nice guy, I did some researches and he's someone who really care for the others and not a fan of nobility- he winks... Hinting at my "rebellious" spirit

As if it's this what I'm searching for in a man...

I must not lose my patience or it might show it on my face

-He is a good candidate indeed, we had the pleasure to talk a little bit... I just want to think about it deeply and consider more factors...

I know I shouldn't be talking like this and I should just accept, but please give me more time-

He nods -Sure... I'll organize for you to meet once more if you need, now let's enjoy our tea some more, it's getting late for me-


I know the best option would be to just marry right away so my mother and others stop bothering me but for some reasons, even if I want to force myself to, I just can't seem to do that...

Deep inside I don't want to let others think I'm as every other person, as if afterall I too want to marry well...

But my rational side is pushing me to do so.

For now I have only three options in mind:

This man from the banquet, Hu Lao if I recall well...

Feng Hua with whom I'm really close so the fake marriage wouldn't look too cold from the outside.

One last option could be asking my brother's help but for how much I love him and trust him, I cannot let myself be a burden to him nor do I want special treatments as his sister...


-I'm sorry for forcing you to walk all the way home... I just forgot to inform a secondary charioteer Lai'Er- says my father on the door of the teahouse

-It's not a problem father, I often walk around the city, I won't even feel this little walk-

-Ah if your mother heard you...

She can't even walk for our whole garden before spending three days in bed... Since you were little- he laughs patting my shoulder -Well see you back soon my little one-

-I'll be waiting father- I wave at him leaving on his carriage.

I walk between the small houses of the venue, there's a little restaurant serving sweets to passengers.

Candied Hawthorne... The sweet smell is mouthwatering and the red glossy juice really catch the eye, maybe I should buy one to keep me busy on my way home...

I approach the stall of the restaurant and line up waiting for my turn

I notice a little girl behind a wall staring at the stall with sad eyes, passing her little tongue over the dirty lips whenever someone bites a pice of sweet sugar...

Once it's my turn the merchant distract me and I lose sight on the little girl...

-How much would you like miss?-

-Three sticks in a sachet and one to eat right away please-

-Here it comes! Just wait a little-.

I seat down waiting by the side and after some time I hear quite the commontion coming from the stall so I approach again

-Is something the matter Mister?-

-This filthy being almost stole your order miss Ying!

How disgusting to think such creatures exist and even try to steal from a Noble- he scream holding the wrist of the crying child

-Well, Isn't it better to steal from nobles who can always buy it again rather than commoners who worked for each piece of the food they eat?-

-B but Miss Ying... She's dirty all over-

-And who's fault is that?

Anyway... Those extra three pieces I bought were actually a gift for her so che can steal them all, I noticed her staring since a while and she must be very hungry.

It doesn't take much for someone to give children like her even a single piece of food, they will surely benefit from that more than most of us-

I hand her over the sweets and she backwalk in awe with her eyes full of sparkles before running away happy

Some peoples around me begin clapping their hand

-As expected from Miss Ying!-

-Don't acclamate me feeding a stray kid as something good if untill just a minute ago you were calling that little girl filthy, any of you here could have done the same yet decided not to.

I hope this day will help some of you to show more compassion in the future- I say taking my Hawthorne in one hand walking away.

A few meters away I get stopped my a yell behind me

-Thank you so much JieJie!- and I see that little girl running toward me, almost falling on her feet

-Oh little one, don't bother too much with this... Whoever teats you nicely, forget it as it's their humanly duty

But whoever treat you like them- I point at the stall -They will pay, be sure of it-

-If only the whole country was like you JieJie.. Instead of leaving us to die in the North and now here...-

-You are from the North?-

-Mnh!- she nods -I came here with my da! And we meet a really really really!!! Nice guy who often comes to play with us!

His name is Chao! He gave me this biiiiig shirt-

-Oh? I see... Then send my greetings to him next time you meet him- I mess her hair smiling

-Hope to see you again, and don't steal anymore little girl... You must earn what you want- I stand up and wave to her walking away

-Cya JieJie!-