Turn of Events

At lunch the guys keep decanting how exiting my match was -Have you seen that spinning thing she did?! I absolutely want to learn it!- -Yes me too! To think she did all this alone it truly is amazing!-

-Well actually... The speed fight is something a friend taught me...-

-Really?! Please introduce him to us!- jumps Wei on my face

-Ah... Well... He's not here anymore uhm- I reply trying to put more space between us

-Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to...-

-Oh nonono! He's not dead don't worry... He just travelled far away-

-Mmh... And who might that be?- approach Dong.

He's always overhearing us for some reason.

-I'm afraid to not know his full name... But why do you care?-

-A relative of mine work in the archives, couldn't I be willing to help two friends reconcile?-

-It's fine, we are not that close... And I have to first fulfill a promise before meeting him again-

-Very well then... Enjoy your meal guys- he says rising his cup.

That image just threw a weird flashback to me... "Was that a deja Vu just now?"

-Uh...? Lai'Er? Are you listening?-

-Oh sure what's wrong?-

-We are curious hehe! Who is this friend you talk about uh? What promise? Spill spill!-

-How come i never heard a thing about him?- pouts Hua

-Ah you guys got the wrong idea!-

-Hahaha don't embarrass her Wei!- I end up laughing along with them not noticing the deep stare Dong Hu is sending in my direction while drinking from his table...

I don't even hear his next words

-I must find out more about this "friend"...-

-You said something Dong?-

-Uhm? no nothing-.

The day proceed smoothly between deadly glares from Xiao and drool from my roommates

Finally our lesson end and in the late afternoon we are free

-So... What are y'all planning to do?- asks Shun with his arms crossed behind his head

-I'll go in the city to eat some decent food probably-

-I'll go buy makeup and so... This skin doesn't keep itself beautiful, especially with all that sun!-

-And you Miss?-

-I haven't thought about it actually... Maybe I'll just go search for my brother at the Palace-

-Well change of plans, I'm going with Lai'Er- announce Hua making the others chuckles

-What about your skin Ge?-

-My skin will be fine! Let's go have a family dinner-

-How are you part of my family now? hahaha-

-You hurt me sister-in-law...- he bring his hands to the heart faking pain.


We all separate -Well... See you later!- -Take care you two!-

Me and Hua begin moving our away around the city walking fast to reach the palace as soon as possible...

The streets are clean and full of different smells of delicious foods with lanterns at the sides making the difference jewels and clothes on sale shine beautifully.

So different from what I'm used to in my little village

-It's really crowded here... I never saw so many peoples before and you Ge?- no answer -Ge? Hua'Ge?-

-Searching for someone Miss?- a man with extremely black hair and golden eyes approach me... Really a beautiful face, which I seem to recall somehow

-Yes actually... Have you seen a man a bit taller than me with a red string in his black hair and tight clothes? He has a really delicate figure...-

-Is that perhaps the young Master Feng?-

-You know him, Mister?-

-Yes yes... I know his father well, I saw him looking at a stall there- he points out with his elegant finger and I see Hua in the crowd

-Oh thank God... Thank you so much Sir- I begin to move toward him

-It is really easy to lose eachother here Miss Ying... You and the young Master shouldn't separate eachother-

-You know my name?- I stop walking and turn around dumbfounded

-You really do not recognize me? Well... I can't blame you, we met only once in the past-

-Exactly where? Your face do seems familiar to me... It is weird that I cannot recall someone who stand out so much-

-Lord Feng's banquet, more than a year ago... It was indeed dark that time, I must be looking like a freak tonMiss Ying for remembering her after so much time...

I just happened to have really enjoyed our conversation that night- he bend a little with his hand on his heart in sign of apology

-Oh yes I remember!-

-Could I possibly ask why is this young Miss out alone with Lord Feng in the Capital?-

-Well we are actually brothers in arms, for how weird it may sound... Since we have the night off we thought about going to visit my brother who works at the Palace- I say with my eyes fixed on the tall building hoovering on the main street

-Oh I see, well I shouldn't be stealing more of your time on such a lovely night then-

-Oh by the way... Might I ask your name again, My Lord...?- once I turn around he is gone but I find instead Hua approaching with a little box in hand

-Uh? Were you talking with someone Lai'Er?-

-Ah... No nothing... Just a passerby-

-Oh I see! By the way I thought about buying a gift for your brother... Do you think he will like it? It's not much but... I don't know-

-If he can wear that horrible bracelet I gave him, I'm sure he will love that necklace Ge- I smile to him putting aside my concerns for now

-Ahhh I can't wait!- he grabs my arm

-Let's go meet with our family... Lai'Er!- he chuckles pulling me foward with an expression full of joy, which leaves me in awe

Family... has this word always been so warm?

It seems possible to completely forget about the existence of the war just outside this city...

Arrived at the Palace we get taken into Pei's room while waiting for my brother to finish his shift

-So... This is his room uh?-

-Don't do anything weird please, he'll be here in...- I turn to face Hua finding him seated on my brother's bed, hugging his pillow -I literally just told you not to! You are hopeless Ge-

-But it smells like him, how am I supposed to resist?-

-For a few times you met you already remember it?!-

he chuckles playing with his hair -How to forget something soooo good and relaxing- he says laying down -It's such a manly and yet delicate scent... Like wild roses in winter ah...-

-Are you saying I'm a wild rose Hua'Er?-

-Oh! Gege!- he yells hopping toward the door, onto my brother

-It's so nice to see you both- he says coming to seat beside me at the table -I want to know everything about your training... Come to your Gege you two!- he calls with open arms


-It was really nice to see you my dears... I hope we will meet again soon- he see us off at the door...

-Until next time Ge! I'll make sure to be an even better soldier next time we meet- I say walking down the hallway

-Uhm... Lai'Er... Could you... Wait a moment? I forgot to give him the present hehe was so caught on talking-

-Staring you mean?- I correct him -Sure go, I'll wait at the gates-


Hua goes back to knock on the door fixing himself up before PeiZhi comes to open -Is something the metter Hua?-

-Eh... Ehm I actually brought a gift...-

-Come in then- he close the door behind them

-You really shouldn't have bothered... I love you guys anyway-

-Ah no! It's a thanks for taking care of us! It's really nothing but I hope you will like it...- he replies giving him the little box

-It's really pretty Hua... You do know my taste- PeiZhi says with a hint on malice in his voice, before wearing the necklace

-Actually I do have a gift too...-

-Oh? How come? I do not deserve such a... Mh!-

PeiZhi doesn't let him finish his sentence cupping his face with an hand before placing a quick kiss on the younger man's forehead retracting with a smile...

-Thank you so much again Hua-

But the eager Hua doesn't let him go away -I suppose your sister will have to wait some more minutes...-