Qixi Festival

-My head is gonna explode man!- complain Kasuo rubbing his eyes

-Using your brain is really not for you uh?- mocks him Wei

-Not for so many hours... A whole day of strategy is way too much-

-Come on it's not the strategy, but the way the instructor ridiculed you which tired you out hahah!-

-Ehy! He didn't... Ridiculed me... I was just... Uhm caught unprepared- he blushes looking away

-Yeah... Sending your troupes in a cave full of wolves is indeed something you do only due to unpreparation-

-He tricked me ok?!-

-Hahaha come on you two! Let's go and have some deserved fun tonight!- chill them Hao

The street is as crowded as always... Kids are running at every side and couples are walking holding hands, blushing everytime their eyes meet.

The general colour today is red and every stall is selling merch with the auspicious of Forever Love.

-All good Miss?- approaches me Shun

-Yeah why?-

-No nothing... You just looked lost in thoughts-

-Oh don't worry... Was just thinking about my family- which is not exactly true.

-Oh I understand... Well then, we are here! Let's eat something shall we?-

We enter the restaurant which is all adorned for the feast... Same goes for the food.

Cloud Noodles to begin with, following the meaning of cleverness.

Braised chicken and chestnuts, happy marriage.

Qiaoguo pastries... The main sweet of the whole festivals which can be found all over the city today?


-I'm so full!-

-Really? I could eat a ton more! Hehe!-

-It was all delicious tho... Don't you agree?-

-Oh yeah... It was my first time trying Qiaoguo- I reply half focused as somone asks me

-How come? I thought a Miss always ate a tons!-

-Idot!- Hao hit Kasuo head -Of course not! These are pastries girls make for their loved ones to eat together... Only at city festivals you can eat them so freely-

-Oh... Hahaha I didn't knew I'm used to going always out on Qixi, I have no idea how Noble ladies enjoy the festivities...-

-It's no problem guys, I suppose this year I will have many first expirinces... Starting from the army-

As we talk I feel eyes piercing on me, I turn around but I don't see anynobody

-Ohhh come here! They are dancing on the water!- calls Wei from a pound nearby -I wanna see that!-

We all begin to enjoy the show but soon after I feel again that somehow familiar sensation... I turn around but there's still nobody.

A tall man dressed in average clothes and light hair walking away from the show strals my attention... "Isn't it pleasing to watch...? Why would someone turn around like this..." I sneak away to follow him among the crowd...

It shouldn't be difficult to follow a commoner here, but apparently this one is not new to being followed? How did he even noticed me?


-Uh? Lai'Er? Where is she?- asks Shun receiving only a shrug as an answer... -Well... Let's leave her some space I suppose... It must be hard for her-


He turn in a side street so I walk a bit faster to not lose him... As I turn in the hallway there are just s couple of peoples and he's not one of them.

-Why is he running away?-

As I turn around to get back, something shining catch my eye making me find again that man "So fast...!"

I begin to run to catch up, leaving the feasting area and peoples begin to dissipate...

With one last push, dodging one person or another I am a few steps behind him...

-That bracelet... It's familiar- I throw myself foward aiming for his wrist. I see it more clearly...

White pearls and a silver starfish!

Someone hit my shoulder making me fall -Oh I'm sorry Miss...- -It's nothing...- I stand back up but the man I was following is nowhere to be seen... -Damn!-

I start running up a stone stair on a small hill in the center of the city, he seemed to be headed this way...

-Chao!... Chao!- I call once I reach the top... -Chao are you really here...?- I whisper looking around but I'm alone, except for a couple seating on the grass cuddling together

I run my hand in my hair frustrated "That was his bracelet I'm sure... Could he be in the Capital too? Where did he went now... But why is he here...?"

I turn to the couple a bit far away... "Well might at least try to ask..."

I walk toward them -Ehm... I'm sorry to bother you but have you seen a man with... Red string?- I ask noticing the familiar ornament the person in front of me is wearing on their hair

The "girl" turns around before going completely pale

-L L Lai'Er?!-

-Hua'Ge?!- he immediately separate himself from the other person standing up -Uhm... It's... Well... I... We...-

-No need to panic... This day was to come eventually.- says the other man standing up... Is he really...?

-Hi sister- -Pei'Ge?!-

-Hahaha you should see your face! What's wrong Lai'Er? Were you looking for someone?-

-Oh... Uhm... Yes, have you seen a quite normal looking person with brown clothes, light long hair and a pearl bracelet?- I ask all in one breath

-Uhm... I'm afraid to haven't noticed anyone passing except you, have you seen anyone Hua?- Hua cover his red face -I I... Wasn't paying attention-

-I'm sorry sister... But who is this one you are searching for?-

-Ah it's not important... I just saw him acting suspicious so I followed-

-Already acting as a seasoned soldier uh? Should I call for reinforcement to help?-

-No! I think I was just nervous and misunderstood... No need really... It's all good!- I wave my hand refusing the offer -What about you two... When were you planning on tell me?-

-I actually wanted but... This little tiger is more of a cute kitten I suppose haha- he mess Hua hair making him smile like an idiot

-Since when tho?-

-Well... You remember that time we came to the palace alone? When I came back to give him the necklace well... You know- he says looking away

-So yeah, we came here today for the Qixi Festival but being scared, since you were out there, I asked to come here and have our own festival-

He points at the few goodies on the ground along Qiaoguos.

Only then I notice the red string on their fingers from the tradition.

-So this is why you have been declining us and was all nervous lately...- -Ahh! Shh- he rush to my face taking me away from my brother

-I uhm... Don't tell him that... I'm always acting all bold but this time I'm actually serious... That's why I'm so nervous...

I really love your brother Lai'Er and I want things to be perfect... Will you please help us?-

-Of course I will, don't worry...- I mess his hair -You can count on your sister-in-law- I wink and he rush to hug me -Thank you so much!-