
-Well then... I shall be going back now... Will you help him get back later or do you need my help?- I ask toward my brother

-Of course I will- smile my brother passing an arm around his waist

-See you then!- I wave leaving them

-Lai'Er surely is nice to help us this much.

I really wanted to have a more private date without too many peoples around... I could have never done all this alone- says Hua

-All that matters now is that we are both here- PeiZhi hug his waist placing a kiss on his forehead

The two enjoy a light meal under the stars, in the deep of night... Chatting and being silly without any rule to follow.

-You should go easy with that hahaha- laughs Hua taking away the wine from Pei -You wouldn't want to get drunk and miss my little show-

-Show? What are you scheming uhh?- smiles Pei slightly tipsy

Hua blushes biting his lip, before standing up and heading for the little stage

-I... Wanted to dance for you...-

-So this is the reason why you are so beautiful today...-

-Ah... Don't say it like this- he cover his face with the red silken fabric of his clothes...

-Let me entertain you Get!

I'm not very clever nor am I strong... I'm not that outstanding like you or your sister but Uhm... This is what I'm good at-

He begin dancing gracefully... His lips as red as the clothes and seducing, the moon casting shadow over his fair skin peeking through the fabric.

He moves his hips better than a woman would with the clothes enchanting his tiny waist...

He use a fan to cover his lips from time to time sending dangerous stares.

Hua moves back to the pagoda dancing around Pei with slow caresses over his face and shoulders.

Pei not resisting the temptation drag him near, almost making him fall to the ground

-P... Pei'Ge...- the younger man looks away blushing, rising his fan to separate them both

-What is it my uhm?- he rise his eyebrows

-S stop... It embrass me-

Pei kisses his fan -Why does it? Isn't it the truth...?-


Pei turns then around, caging Hua under his figure

-Don't we love eachother?-

-Yes but uhm... I'm just shy-

-Shy? Wasn't this your plan all along?... Take me here, make me drink all that wine... Dress so...- he stops talking midway, grabbing some moose fabric to complete the sentende

-Actually... I just want us to stay together... Anything is fine-

-Shouldn't we be giving eachother's everything then?-

-I...- Hua's face turns redder than red as he looks away

-Look at me- grabs his chin PeiZhi

-I... Ge... Mmh...-

-What is it? Do you not want? Use your words or I cannot comply to your wishes, I'll stop whenever you want I just... Can't hold myself back now-

-It's not that... I want to... Be with you but... I don't want you to misunderstand me as everyone always do...

Peoples always look at me and thinks I'm some kind of demonic creature who's gonna lead them astray just to satisfy myself... But Uhm, I've actually never been with anyone before- Hua tears up covering his face

Pei gently move his hands away placing a kiss on his forehead

-I did not misunderstand... Because I feel the same way, I really love you Hua and I want to be your everything... A friend... A lover... A husband...- he says each word coated with honey

Hua stares at him with shiny eyes looking like a wild lost deer

-...I... Love you too... I'm just scared...- he hugs himself

-I love you and feel many different things for you... I just don't want you to run away one day... Being both men and noble.

I'm scared that after trying some fun we might grow tired of eachother or be forced to marry someone for our family's benefit...-

-I Will never run away... I only want you in my life, I always did-

-What... Do you mean?-

-It hasn't been the first time I saw you dance, you know?- he purrs over his ear -You are always so amusing... But to think this is just for me now... I feel honored-

-Y y y you mean... You were a client at the red house?!-

-Not a client, just a witness I would say-

Hua tears up -Pei'Ge!!! Why didn't you tell me sooner?-


Youya falls on the grass laughing and I seat down beside her

-For real?! You really told him that? Haha I cannot believe it-

I shrug my shoulders chuckling.

She turns around on her side, with an hand to hold her head -So, how is it going?-

-Going what?-

-With your strength, you know you can tell me...-

-Well...- I join my hands over my knees -I'm starting a new training.

My General thinks that I'm not balanced enough and that should be the reason for my inability to retrain myself-

-Are you scared?-

-Mhm... Yes and No... I don't want to hurt anyone of course, but I also hope to be useful-

-Ahh who knows! I suppose nothing can be changed just by being sad about it... So let's see the bright side, maybe you will end up being the savior of this country hehe!- she lazy back down

-Oh common! Stop mocking me-

-Not my fault haha you're so stiff that it's easier to make fun of you!

Stop being so serious now- she laughs dragging me down

-E ehy wait! Ah!- I gasps at the sudden tickling -Stop hahaha! Ehy no! I yield you win! Hahaha-

-I'm not letting you go back untill you promise me you will stop being so gloomy and stop taking everything so seriously!-

-Ehy aren't you going a bit too far?! You're describing me as a horrible person-

-Oops!- She covers her mouth laughing, still dragging me on the grass

-I can't help it, it's my older woman's instinct acting up!-

-Ah you are really something...-