
Once awake I hear some noise outside and head out, before my training, still half asleep...

-What's happening...? Your Highness?-

I find him in the courtyard playing tricks with the cats -Oh? Already up Miss?- he smiles, turning his head to me

-Yeah I was going to train if I'm allowed... Why are you awake tho?-

-Oh well... Cats gets lively at dawn so I always take some time to play with them-

-Mmhn... Yeah...- I turn around to enter the house again, finding my way blocked by -A fox? Why there's a fox here...?- I comment taking it in my hands to examine it as the animal yep twisting his tail happily

-Oh he's our Butler! Wan... This is ChangLai, ChangLai this is Wan- he points to us as an attempted of presentation

-Wan as stubborn?-

-Wan as Mischievous... He's a really naughty fox tz!- he turns to his cats as I let down the big fox, he jumps toward XianLen caressing his legs with the big head

-Don't ask for cuddles! You know you're a bad guy!- the fox yelp sad, bowing his ears -Ah why are you so cute?! Idiot!- Xian pats his head, making him twist his tail again

-Well I... Will go make something to eat then... I'll train after-


I enter the kitchen and tie up my hair -There is a lot of work to do I guess...- I sigh looking at the uncutted wood and dirty dishes...

Dusting there and scrubbing here I manage to rearrange the area.

After some time I'm finally ready to begin cooking

-Let's see what's in the storage...- I open a cabinet and begin rustling inside

-Old vegetables... Seasonings of every kind... Salted meat... Oh some fresh radish! But ehm... What's with this smell?- I grab a little bottle in the back and open it to find some weird-looking soup with a nauseous smell

-I don't want to know...-

-Hellohooo- peek his head from behind the wall the Prince -What are you making?- he asks still leaning on the door

-I found some salted meat and radish... It will be a sweet soup to attenuate the saltiness... I don't think it has a name- I explain while mixing the Ingredients in the pot

-Uhm... Interesting- his eyes fall on the empty bottle on the countertop -Oh that... I'm sorry you found it. It was Uhm... And old attempt of fermented cabbage with garlic...-

-That will remain an attempt I suppose haha! Could you please pass me two bowls? It's ready-

-Sure!- he enters the kitchen and help me serve the steamy food...

-Three bowls?- I ask before pouring more and he nods happy

-Why there is always an extra plate at your table?- I ask munching on the small chops of meat

-It's... An habit...- he murmurs, rolling the spoon in the bowl -An old story... Not an happy one- he shake his head before straightening up

-Nevermind, it's not important now hehe.

Let's enjoy the food! It's been ages since I managed to eat something warm here!-


After we are done eating and cleaning I head out to seat by the little lake in the courtyard, XianLen ends up seating in the terrace drinking tea again as last night

-What are you doing exactly?- he yells from far away


-Can you show me something? Like... I don't know... What do even cultivators learn?- he sip his tea patting the head of the fox, resting on his laps

-I actually don't know myself anymore... It's supposed to be for incrementing one's abilities through a perfect equilibrium of energy... But my case might be different-

-Why so?-

I bite my lips... Linghe told me to not trust anyone, but this man doesn't looks dangerous...

-Do you remember when I told you about an earthquake?-

-Yeah! As if it was yesterday- he nods, it was yesterday...

-Well... I wasn't joking actually.

I almost caused one a few days ago... And a tree fell, hurting some soldiers... Nothing serious fortunately, but still...-

-Oh... Don't demolish the house then!-

-I'll try! For how much I know how this works...-

I begin with my usual routine.


Emptying the mind...

But this time I search for rage instead of peace.

The tingling feeling in my fingerprints begins, along the rumbling of small rocks jumping

I hear XianLen stands up, clapping -Woah! This is awesome! Nice nice! Try doing something more, come on!-

-Like what?- I ask, still trying to keep my focus.

-Eh... Throw one rock? Maybe, hehe-

I search for more rage... But I have none now.


I need more hate

I hear a thud sound of the rock falling down and sigh

-I don't have enough power in me...-

-It's fine... You already did something cool!

Keep trying a bit more, then change training when it begins to affect you-

Again and again the same result...

I keep reaching a certain point and falls back right after I push it further...

After the hundredth time those rocks fall, I give up and begin the closing part of my training... Which is the same as the beginning.

Breathing and empty mind, to leave behind all the energy and emotions gained in the training...

-We are loosing ground Sir!- screams someone as the usual metal sound approach

-Who talked...?-

-I didn't said a word, why?- ask XianLen

-Mhn... Nothing-

I regain my focus

-Push foward!-

-But we are fewer than them!-

I open my eyes wide.

This time it felt so real! As if I was there, wherever these men are...

It takes me a few seconds to adapt again to the light, after so much time spend cultivating.

-That was surreal...- I murmur covering my face with the palm of my hand...

-Is something wrong?- asks XianLen,vpushing himself on the handrail

-No... No... It's all good- I say toward him before coming back to myself...

"Maybe if I try again... I will find out more...?"

And so I enter my meditative state for the second time

-Sir...- it's not as clear as before...

-Not... Make... T...- and the connection, or however I should call it, breaks.

I still scoff frustrated, but not due to failure...

I might have not made any big progress, but still something happened... I just need to determinate what that was now.

Even if I would have appreciated for my power to be stronger, for me to find out right away...

-Enough for now... Your Highness? You have any Target or bow?-

He smiles nodding -Of course I do! Come with me...-